FYI, hotfix appears also to work fine with WordPress 4.9.16.
Thanks everybody for reports, investigation and quick support.
Same issue here, WordPress 4.9.16.
@figureone If you need test results for suggested changes, let me know.
Edit: Found similar issue here in another thread, suggestion of CamiloAPR there seems to work, not sure why.
Ok, thanks for explaination.
Using this workaround (edited) for now:
var val = (val = acf.getFields({name:'my_field_name'}).shift()) ? val.val() : '';
@raison Just curious, are you using the Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual (ACFML) plugin?
Another wrong/bad german translation was introduced with 5.3.9.x
When editing a field in a field-set, field type dropdown-select:
New: “- Wähle -” (gives the impression that no type is selected)
Old: “Auswahlmenü” (correct)
Edit: Both issues are solved in the meantime, had to trigger a manual WPML re-scan of ACF Plugin, now correct strings show up. Had an old version of ACF installed long ago, seems WPML remembered these old strings…
You could also try to use a higher priority for your action. The documentation says, the options page entry is added with priority 99, so you could try e.g. 100:
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_remove_menu_pages', 100 );
What about adding it only for admins? Would that solve your problem?
if ( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
acf_add_options_page(); // or similar
1. Variable $goody_title
is defined nowhere, probably you mean $goody_file
echo "$pageid";
if($goody_title) {
2. $pageid
missing at the_field()
, try this
// Spits out the full URL for now as a test.
the_field('goody_file', $pageid);
instead of this
// Spits out the full URL for now as a test.
Works fine here.
Here a running version of the acf example-code with a custom “A” image as icon/marker:
The only change compared to the example-code is the added ‘icon’ parameter.
Based on the google maps acf example-code (and google maps api), I would suggest to change this:
// create marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position : latlng,
map : map
to something like this:
// create marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position : latlng,
map : map,
icon: ‘’
Just finished writing this article:
Please let me know if it is helpful or can be improved in any way.
Thanks for the article, a few questions:
The WPML support said today:
ACF is not currently compatible.
And you should “hack” the database to fix it.
Draw your own conclusions…
Edit: The technical background is explained here:
Summary: WPML 3.1.7+ downloads a remote config from WPML server which currently tells WPML that ACF can not be translated. The update of this remote config is triggered at every after_switch_theme
and activated_plugin
wordpress action and at custom wpml-actions.
Had a similar problem a while ago, a folder acf-json
was created by the plugin within my (child-)theme folder. It contained .json
files which are used as a cache and were not updated after delete in backend.
Deleting that folder acf-json
by hand fixed the problem.
Thanks for the link, that “special” remote config for “acf” in latest WPML is actually very interesting…
Wrap your acf output calls with a conditional statement using post_password_required()
, example here:
At the moment the combination of ACF PRO and WPML is not ready for production sites at all.
And I don’t think this will change in near future, too bad.
WPML support says: Drop ACF, use Types, but current version of Types also has many problems.
Using old school standard WordPress custom fields for now, ugly backend but at least reliable.
If the frontend links to the file, you could use css 3 selector as workaround, e.g. a[href$=".pdf"]
Maybe you should read the threads, not a single problem has been solved, no workaround has been provided or suggested.
ACF 4.x is a great plugin, ACF PRO 5.x is currently a great betatest.
And as you maybe have noticed, threads in this forum usually get marked as solved based on number of replies, not based on given or not given solutions.
Have posted several requests in forum and via support email, see my profile.
Bought ACF PRO 5 because it was posted on twitter etc. that ACF 5 and WPML would be compatible. Sad truth: WPML compatibility is not even “beta” status.
Also the forum is full of serious problems without visible reaction of author or support team (if any exists):
ACF PRO 5 is a big project and author is adding new features with each 5.0.x release (which is good) but has no time left to track down and fix bugs or test releases (which is bad).
Also bought ACF PRO and obviously there is room for improvement in terms of customer support.
Probably have to abandon ACF PRO soon due to some unsolved WMPL compatibility issues, my clients patience is almost used up, too bad 🙁
@Pau: The form labels in backend (if you are talking about these) are added dynamically and translated in context of the WordPress ‘default’ domain.
A possible solution for you could be to use a translated version of the whole fieldgroup/fields and adjust the labels there.
There is currently no way to find these labels with an automated tool like WPML theme/plugin scanner.
More about wrong/bad textdomain in ACF here.
A solution for WPML automated scanner could be 1.) an own textdomain for these labels, e.g. acf_label
and 2.) a dynamic creation of a .php
file in a path where WPML theme/plugin scanner would find them which contains all the used labels in default language like e.g. $label = __('Label 1', 'acf_label') = __('Label 2', 'acf_label') = __('Label 3', 'acf_label') ...
Unfortunately can’t test older version of WPML, invested too much time already in this.
Also having lots of problems with ACF PRO 5.0.x and WPML 3.1.6
Something seems to be fundamentally broken. I tried a lot of things, hacked the ACF and WPML files to generate debug-output etc. but I can’t track down the real problem. Behaviour seems to change even with activation order of ACF and WPML plugins and/or other weird requirements.
Some fields are obviously not saved if they do not exist in corresponding translated fieldgroup (weird), at the moment a simple field in a 1-field fieldgroup can not be changed any more, etc.
From reading the WPML support forum it seems that they try to sell their “Types” plugin [#1, #2, #3, ..] as a working alternative instead of support.
As I already bought ACF PRO 5 for a customer, I would really like to use it, invested a lot of time already, but probably now have to look at “Types” as well. 🙁
Can you confirm/reproduce that values are saved to wrong language?
Short update, it appears that values are saved to and read from the wrong language with 5.0.3 and before.
Have a fieldgroup in main language with field 1 and field 2. Added a translation of this fieldgroup in secondary language, with field 1 only.
Now saving values in field 1 works in both languages. But if I enter something in field 2 in main language it does not get saved, field 2 stays empty.
I think that’s because field 2 does not exist in translation of fieldgroup and so the value can’t be saved.
This problem usually won’t be noticed if main language and translation have same fields. Everything looks fine, but actually values are both saved to and read from wrong places.
This observation matches the above described behaviour with the not matching key in my log.
Edit: I don’t know why this topic is marked as solved, it is not.
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