Hi @LeffDesign
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, this confirms the issue. Please research how to use the WP native ajax functionality.
This will solve your issue!
Hi @webmasterID
Basically, both fields allow for ‘repeatable’ sets of data, however, the 2 interfaces are used for 2 different things:
This is used for a simple table like interface whenre you define the columns and repeater the rows. A good use for this field is an image gallery
Flexible Content
This is used for more complex content / widget styled data. This field allows you to create multiple[le layouts and each layout contains different sub fields.
This allows the user to populate an area on the site with full control over the layouts and data. Very useful for flexible content solutions and even sidebar widgets!
Hi @landitus
Yes, please do re-check this on another install.
Failing that, are you able to do some simple debugging in the taxonomy file?
Take a look in ‘core/fields/taxonomy.php’ in the update_value function.
Use a simple debugging method to check that the wp_set_object_terms function is running
That’s very interesting!
Great debugging my friend.
My bet is that on the ‘problem’ install, there is a server setting or .htaccess setting that is preventing the input.php file to be used as a .js file
If you head back to the old support site, there is a featured post on input.php 404
You may find some useful info there!
Yep, you can jump over to the documentation page to view the actions / filters available.
Or just use the search above for acf/save_post
Hi @edir
Thanks for the email. The changes look great from the sound of it.
I’ll read over it soon and you can expect an update out shortly!
Hi @Steve Holland
Totally agree. If I have the time, I would love to add this in.
But for now, it sounds like you have a solid work around. Good work!
Hi @rddesigns
ACF saves the value of ‘term’ custom fields to the wp_options table.
The option_name will have a prefix of $taxonomy_$termID_$fieldName
I hope that helps
Hi @nuresponse
It’s a bit more complicated than that. You will need to take a look at the js/input/image.js file to see how that ‘library’ data variable is used
Hi @landitus
If you use the native WP checkbox to change the category, does ACF read in the new terms selected?
Perhaps the issue is ACF is not saving the data?
Can you confirm that ACF is saving other custom fields?
if( in_array('en', $lang) )
Hi @guiloviu
Looking at the code you have posted, there is clearly a problem with the way you have nested your arrays.
For example, you have
'relation' => 'AND',
'relation' => 'OR',
in the same array.
I think you should take another look at the WP_Query docs and also post this question on stack exchange as it does not involve any ACF specific functions.
Hi @gendalf
Please take a look at the fancybox plugin for a simple documented solution for overlaying HTML / videos
Hi @jimmy.aat10
In general, yes, it is possible to filter the posts shown in an ACF field.
This said, I’m quite confused as to what fields you are using.
Is the field a post object or relationship?
Also, where would you want to add a column? TO what interface? Perhaps use a screenshot to demonstrate
Hi @biomedikal
Perhaps you could use the update_value filter to run a custom save function.
The update_value filter is run on every value you save with ACF. It’s native functionality is to save the value to the database, however, you can hook in and do what ever you want.
Jump over to the docs and check out the filter. You will be able to look at the value saving, and extract the month / year (with an explode function) and then use the native update_postmeta function to save the value to the post!
Good luck
Hi @LeffDesign
In your above code, you have the AJAX call pointing to:
url: "../wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/fields/test.php",
Is this correct? If so, WP will not be loaded correctly, ACF will not be included and your PHP error will make sense.
In your first code however, you write that you are using the native wp_ajax functions.php AJAX solution.
Can you confirm which way you are coding as they dramatically will effect ACF’s usage
Hi @Steve Holland
This is not possible via the get_field function in ACF.
I would encourage you to look at writing a custom sql query to find all these values
Reading over your topic again, I may have miss understood the feedback.
I wonder if you could use the save_post action to first check that the values posted are unique. If not, you could then redirect the browser or find another way to abort the save.
Hi @rddesigns
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by ‘access pin’. Would you mind elaborating more on this and why it would be useful?
Hi @Steve Holland
Thanks for the request. This isn’t as easy as you may think to add in.
Would the ‘x’ number of rows contain different default values in the sub fields?
Hi @edir
Thanks for the feedback.
Currently this is not possible unless you were to edit the core files of the options page add-on.
I will add this request to the to-do and hopefully see it released in an update soon
Hi @Thomas
Thanks for the bug report. Are you able to do some simple debugging in the acf.php file? Close to the top of the file, you will find the code to register the translation file.
Perhaps this only works if ACF is used as a ‘plugin’.
Maybe with some debugging you can discover what is wrong?
Hi @franco.pentangeli
The repeater field has alwasy had the ability to sort the order via drag / drop.
Move your mouse over the row number and you should be able to see that the row can now be re-positioned
Hi @mikosworld
You can use this code to test the value. That way you know what you are working with:
$lang = get_field('language');
echo '<pre>';
var_dump( $lang );
echo '</pre>';
This topic has already been started in another thread. I’ll merge it over to the new location
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