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Search Results for 'taxonomy'


  • Solving

    Restrict editors from adding new terms to custom taxonomy

    I’ve created a custom taxonomy and attached it to a CPT.
    I’ve created terms for the taxonomy.

    I now want to place restrictions on how the editor can edit and assign terms for this particular taxonomy.

    I want to prevent editors from being able to add new terms.

    I also want to present editors with a choice of terms, from which they must select one.

    A radio button UI would be great for this.
    Is there a way to present existing terms for a custom taxonomy as radio buttons?

  • Helping

    Can I use a custom tax for a CPT permalink?


    I’d like a permalink structure like this for my custom post type: /%custom-tax%/news/

    Where %custom-tax% is the term for a custom taxonomy checked in the custom post.

    It’s like the core WordPress permalink where you can have the custom structure like /%category%/%postname%/

    Is it possible with ACF?

  • Helping

    How do I create custom terms for a custom taxonomy?

    I’ve created a custom taxonomy.

    Now I want to create terms for that taxonomy, and for the custom taxonomy I want to limit an editor to selecting from only among the custom terms.

    what I’ve tried

    I’ve successfully created a Taxonomy field.

    After that I start creating a Taxonomy Term field.
    But in the fields options, I cannot see a means to connect and restrict the Term to the custom Taxonomy that I’ve created.

    How do I do this exactly?

  • Helping

    Conditional logic on taxonomy field and term IDs in different environments?

    I’m using conditional logic on a taxonomy field (via term IDs) to show/hide additional fields that may/may not be required (based on the taxonomy term selected). No problems here.

    The problem I’ve run into, though, is that these term IDs change when they’re created in different environments (local, development, staging and production). And because I’m also using local JSON to store ACF fields, I can’t just update my conditional logic’s term IDs per-environment (as that’s all stored in the JSON files, in GIT, and staging/production don’t have write-access for these files and can only be updated via GIT).

    So, wondering if anyone else has run into this issue and if they’ve found a way to deal with this?


  • Helping

    Question for custom field radio button

    I have a case:
    I create a custom post type with name is “location” and create taxonomy with name is
    district. I use acf create a field radio button in taxonomy district. Then i get_field it, but it return null in spite of value

  • Solving

    Category Color


    I’ve set a ACF named “Category Color” with the following specs (see attach):
    – Field Type: Color Picker
    – Rules: Taxonomy IS EQUAL TO category

    Next, I set #b4151a as the “Category Color” value for a specific category (see attach).

    Lastly in Elementor I selected Background -> ACF Color Picker Field -> Category Color (see attach).

    Unfortunately there specified color is not reproduced in the frontend.

    Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

    Thank you!

  • Solved

    acf/fields/post_object/query in Block

    I’ve built an ACF block which allows the user to embed a pre-built acf_form along with a few options. One of those options is selecting a taxonomy term (service-category) which will determine which services (post type) the end user can choose from in the ‘what service are you enquiring about’ field.

    However, I can’t figure out how to filter my acf_form field to show the services from the chosen taxonomy.

    I’ve used acf/load_field to filter the field args but this appears to be too late in the process and, while the amended arguments appear as I want them, the post_object field returns “The results could not be loaded”.

    I’m also filtering acf/fields/post_object/query but here don’t have access to any of the block (or post) data so can’t amend my query args according to saved meta.

    Finally, when logging the query args via acf/fields/post_object/query I can see that they are unchanged even when using acf/load_field which causes “The results could not be loaded” – so load_field is having some effect but not the desired one.

    Any pointers or ideas for making this work will be gratefully received.

  • Helping

    Taxonomy Fields and Conditional Logic for Multiple Terms

    The post from April of 23 requesting the same thing is marked solved but doesn’t seemed to be solved, or at least there doesn’t seem to be a satisfactory solution for one very common condition…

    I asked about reusing fields in different groups each with different location settings and hube2 pointed me to the idea of using a Taxonomy Field and setting conditional logic with the subsequent fields. It like a very suitable solution.

    In that thread, as in the thread posted 3 months ago, hube2 says to use Selection is Greater than [term id-1], and Selection is less than [term id+1]. I found this only works when you have just one term ID selected, which is often not the case, especially when the taxonomy is hierarchical, and both parent and child are selected.

    Additionally, as part of this request, it’s worth point out that having to use ‘Greater Than’ and ‘Less Than’ a term ID is not ideal. There are instances in migration where a term id may need to change, but the slug(s) will remain the same.

  • Solved

    Re-using fields in different groups? Can they simply have the same name?

    I have been using Toolset with WordPress and before that I was a Joomla/Seblod user, so I was caught a bit off guard by the fact that ACF doesn’t make fields re-usable (from what I can tell).

    In Toolset, you create a field group, create fields in that group, hit save; and when you create the next field group, you can choose from the fields you have created in all previous field groups, and this can be repeated. J!Seblod is the same from my recollection. The groups seem to be used only for assigning (location)… which post-types/taxonomies/etc are using which fields for the postmeta. When you create a view, all of the saved values of the field that you select by name are filtered and collated the same.

    I can see that in ACF you can’t choose from fields you’ve already created. I suspect there are may be good reasons for this, so you instead have to create new fields in each group. But you can create new fields with the same name… the key will be automatically set for uniqueness, but the name can be the same. Is this basically the same thing?

    Will the fields be filtered and collated the same despite the different field keys, and if so are there any long-term issues to consider when using the same name in multiple field groups?

    If that’s not clear, here’s the case that had me take a step back: creating a product catalog with technical specification fields that can be used for a variety of products, which themselves could belong to one or more product types (taxonomy, we’ll call each category a-to-z for simplicity). We don’t want the user to be confronted with fields that don’t specifically apply to the type of product they are creating, so we need the fields filtered by the product type.

    You may have ‘wattage’ that applies to half of the product types and not to the other half. You may have ‘frequency’ that applies to all but one product type. You may have ‘max dB’ that applies to only one product type. And so forth.

    Trying to achieve this without reusing a single field, so that each product is using the correct field with the same field name and the same field key as other products that share the field is burdensome:

    one field group is assigned to a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l product types,
    one field group is assigned to b,g,s,v,z product types,
    one field group is assigned to d,e,g,i,k,m,n product types,
    one field group is assigned to e product type,
    one field group is assigned to q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z product types,
    one field group is assigned to l,t,r,s product types,
    one field group is assigned to l,t,r product types,
    and so on and so on… not even finished yet.

    This can’t be the right way to do it…

    Most of the product types are overlapping to ensure the fields aren’t used more than once, but this makes it difficult to navigate the field group admin page, and it really makes the post editor a mess with multiple groups to the same product type.

    If it were on Toolset the field groups would be: one for each, a-z, and the fields would be repeated on each, ensuring each product type has only one group (not messy on the post editor screen or the field group admin page).

  • Solved

    Sorting taxonomies not working


    I’m thrilled to use ACF now, I don’t know why I wasn’t using it before!

    Small issue here on this web site:

    I have created a custom post type called “Danseurs” with simple content. I added a “Année” taxonomy (year) so I could sort out the dancers based on the years when they attended the event.

    The taxonomy terms are in the correct order (2012-2023) and in the taxonomy settings I’ve used the option “Sort the terms”

    But when you go on the output, they are grouped by taxonomy (which is perfect) but the taxonomy terms are absolutely not sorted 🙁

    What am I doing wrong?
    Even worse, it seems to be random and not always the same thing when you refresh the page …

    Below is the code used to display the dancers grouped by years (taxonomy)
    Any help would really be appreciated!


    					$annees = get_terms( array(
    						'taxonomy' => 'annee',
    						'hide_empty' => true
    					$order = array();
    					foreach( $annees as $i => $annee ) {
    						$order[ $i ] = $annee->count;
    					array_multisort( $order, SORT_DESC, $annees );
    					foreach( $annees as $annee ) : 
    					$args = array(
    						'post_type'         => 'danseur',
    						'posts_per_page'    => -1,
    						'orderby' => 'title',
    						'order' => 'ASC',
    						'tax_query' => array(
    								'taxonomy' => 'annee',
    								'terms' => $annee->slug,
    								'field' => 'slug',
    								'orderby' => 'menu_order',
    								'order' => 'ASC',
    					$danseurs = new WP_Query($args); 
    				<div class="row danseur-list mb-5">
    					<h2 class="years h3 col-12"><?php echo $annee->name; ?></h2>
    					<?php foreach( $danseurs->posts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
    					<div class="box col-6 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 mb-3">
    						<div class="inner">
    							<?php echo the_post_thumbnail( 'large', array('class' => 'img-fluid')); ?>
    							<div class="p-3">
    								<a>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="stretched-link"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
    					<?php endforeach; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
    				<?php endforeach; ?>
  • Helping

    Field type taxonomy missing fields in BE when click create

    I have extended my custom taxonomy with an ACF field group and when I directly create or edit the custom taxonomy the additional fields from my ACF field group appears in the form but when I click create a new custom taxonomy from a field type taxonomy in any ACF form only the title and the parent field appears in the from but all the other fields are missing. Is this intentionally? It looks like because only 2 fields appears. I would expect also all the other fields. Can I change this?

  • Solved

    get_field() in custom taxonomy


    I have some trouble to display fields on a custom taxonomy page, get_field() does not retrieve anything.

    For simple text fields I can use get_term_meta() instead and it works, but I have two others fields that are other taxonomy links that I need to display that can’t work with get_term_meta().

    Here is the code :

    <?php echo get_field( get_queried_object_id(), 'sports' ); ?>

    Did I forgot anything ?

  • Helping

    Dynamically fill a taxonomy field

    I’m trying to get a taxonomy field populated from the result of a selection in another field.

    I’ve use as a template and got most of it to work – but I can’t figure out how to append the info to the taxonomy field. It’s a select2 combobox and I can figure out how to it.

    This is my .js

  • Helping

    Custom Post Type and native WP taxonomy

    Hi newbe here. I have a simple question, unfortunately I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. I’m testing the free version of ACF and I have a problem with WP taxonomy (tags). The tag does not list the archive of content created in ACF. Taxonomies created in ACF work flawlessly.

  • Unread

    Repeater not returning posts in english language

    I have an acf that takes the woocommerce products (which are not translatable, so there is only the italian version), this is the structure:

    'key' => 'group_65017e7235881',
    'title' => 'Home CPO',
    'fields' => array(
    'key' => 'field_65017e798dde7',
    'label' => 'Orologi in evidenza',
    'name' => 'orologi_in_evidenza',
    'type' => 'repeater',
    'instructions' => '',
    'required' => 0,
    'conditional_logic' => 0,
    'wrapper' => array(
    'width' => '',
    'class' => '',
    'id' => '',
    'collapsed' => '',
    'min' => 0,
    'max' => 0,
    'layout' => 'table',
    'button_label' => '',
    'sub_fields' => array(
    'key' => 'field_65017e8a8dde8',
    'label' => 'Orologio',
    'name' => 'orologio',
    'type' => 'post_object',
    'instructions' => '',
    'required' => 0,
    'conditional_logic' => 0,
    'wrapper' => array(
    'width' => '',
    'class' => '',
    'id' => '',
    'post_type' => array(
    0 => 'product',
    'taxonomy' => array(
    0 => 'product_cat:rolex-cpo',
    'allow_null' => 0,
    'multiple' => 0,
    'return_format' => 'object',
    'ui' => 1,
    'location' => array(
    'param' => 'page_template',
    'operator' => '==',
    'value' => 'index-cpo.php',
    'menu_order' => 0,
    'position' => 'normal',
    'style' => 'default',
    'label_placement' => 'top',
    'instruction_placement' => 'label',
    'hide_on_screen' => '',
    'active' => 1,
    'description' => '',

    If I use the italian language, then the repeater will display all the products available. Otherwise, if I switch to english language the repeater doesn’t show anything.
    This issue is kinda weird ’cause in the english version I can see all the products from the woocommerce dashboard but not from the repeater.

    I’m trying to change the lang parameter that is sent from the ajax request of acf, so I did this:

    function customize_acf_query($args, $field, $post_type)
    $args['lang'] = 'it';
    return $args;
    add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query', 'customize_acf_query', 10, 3);

    but again, the acf doesn’t display any products. Could someone help me?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Solving

    get_users and meta_query for repeater field values


    i got prob to query users with custom field repeater

    What i made :

    i got a custom search form, who search in ajax with get_users and with complexe request on many user’s customs fields

    all work fine, even filter taxonomy assigned to user like custom field

    but it dont work for my repeater field..

    the repeater key is : liste_des_langues & the item key : langue

    if add this :

    function wpza_replace_repeater_field( $where ) {
        $where = str_replace( "meta_key = 'liste_des_langues_$", "meta_key LIKE 'liste_des_langues_%", $where );
        return $where;
    add_filter( 'posts_where', 'wpza_replace_repeater_field' );

    and this is my request args for this field :

    if($langues && $langues != 'all'){
            $temp = array(
                'key' =>  'liste_des_langues_$_langue',
                'value' =>  $langues,
                'compare' => 'LIKE',
            array_push($request['meta_query'] , $temp);

    this is the basic request :

    $request = array(
            'role__in' => array( 'consultant' ),
            'meta_query'      => array(),
            'tax_query'      => array(),
        if(count($_GET) > 1){
            $request['meta_query']['relation'] = 'AND';

    i found this solution there :

    but it doesn’t work :/

    and i dont understand where is my mistake, someone can help please ?

  • Solved

    Are required fields possible?

    I have a custom post type which contains a custom taxonomy. I would like to make it so that a user cannot save their post unless they have chosen a value for this custom taxonomy. I expect them to use the admin interface to create their post. Is this possible? Thanks.

  • Solved

    “meta_query” requires manual update in the admin

    I’m facing an issue with custom fields for users, even though I think that’d happen for posts too.

    I have a group “custom_fields” and within this group, there’s a multi-select whose key is “user_lang_spoken”.

    This multi-select is pulling a custom taxonomy and it will return a list of term IDs.

    Ok, so far so good and easy to understand. This is my custom loop to pull users:

    $speaks = 5; // 5 = Spanish (That's the term name)
    $args = array(
        'fields' => 'ids',
    if ($speaks) {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' => 'custom_fields_user_lang_spoken',
            'value' => $speaks,
            'compare' => 'LIKE',
    $members = get_users($args);

    #1 – You’ll see that I’m using ‘value’ => $speaks, and this is pulling all users who speak language 5 or language 55 (which is not ideal). This could actually work if it wasn’t numbers because we wouldn’t have a partial match, but I need them as IDs.

    #2 – However, I found another topic where you guys say it returns serialized data and you recommend wrapping the value with quotes: ‘value’ => ‘”‘.$speaks.'”‘, and this is true, I’ll retrieve only users who speak language 5, but for that I need to MANUALLY update the user in the admin (without changing anything). Otherwise, I wont be able to see the user in this case.

    I think this is an actual issue, it won’t happen often because people may be returning strings instead of IDs and by doing that, the chances of a partial match is rare. Also, if they are using IDs, they might have different IDs such as 2918, 9812, 5839… which again, would be rare.

    However, that partial match will happen with lower numbers: 1 -> 12, 3 -> 32…

    I don’t know what else to do, I tried some work around to force a user update on the frontend but it doesn’t seem to have the same impact as manually clicking on “Update user”.


  • Unread

    ACF fields with Blocksy Theme

    Hi all, I’m using the ACF field to create and manage my custom post types

    So far i have created an ACF with multiple groups and multiple fields inside those groups.
    The ACF is displayed on a form on front-end and the posts are stored correctly under my custom Taxonomy.

    The issue I’m facing is while displaying the Single Post, where I cannot present any of the custom fields but only title/author/date.

    I found a YT video [07:55] that demonstrates how to add a ACF Field using the Theme Editor
    But for me the ACF Field is not present there! Is it because of my Theme – Blocksy, or could it be due to another reason?
    Blocksy Editor

  • Helping

    Support for “Conditional Logic” based on the selection in a Taxonomy fi

    ACF Pro should support “Conditional Logic” settings based on the selection in a Taxonomy field, but it does not. ACF support advises that this does not currently work and advised that I post here. Please vote for this improvement!

    Here’s an example:

    In the fields for a CPT called “Bio”, I have a Taxonomy field called “Position”. It displays as three checkboxes. It uses a custom taxonomy called “Bio Type” with these three terms:

    Actor (tag_ID for this term is 19)
    Crew (tag_ID for this term is 20)
    Musician (tag_ID for this term is 21)

    (Note: the terms in the custom taxonomy are identified as “tag_ID”.)

    I have another field (a text field) called “Role”.

    I only want the “Role” field to be visible if the checkbox for Actor (tag_ID 19) has been selected.

    In the “Conditional Logic” tab of the “Role” field, I have…
    Show this field if
    Position | Selection is greater than | 18 (and)
    Position | Selection is less than | 20
    “Conditional Logic” settings based on the selection in a Taxonomy fieldag_
    Sadly, this does not work!

    This is the way this works with other types of content, but custom taxonomies are not currently supported. I’d imagine that, since this works for other types of content (for example, post categories) where the term is identified by TERM_ID, it would not be too hard to extend this to tag_ID.

    ACF will only implement this if it gets votes here; please help by liking this.

  • Helping

    Critical error when adding custom acf block more than once

    Hi all, I have created an ACF Block that uses a wp_query to display a filterable list of all posts of a specific post type. My issue is that I need to be able to add more than one of these blocks to a page, but when I do, I get a critical error. If I remove the wp_query, the page will load with multiple instances of the block. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? My assumption is that I need to make the wp_query unique to the block instance, but I do not know how. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The code is pretty large so I will just include my wp_query.

    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'partners',
        'posts_per_page' => -1,
        'tax_query' => array(
                'taxonomy' => 'category',
                'field' => 'slug',
                'terms' => $partner_type,
                'operator' => 'IN',
    if ($grid_hosts_weddings) {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' => 'hosts_weddings', // ACF field key for hosts_weddings
            'value' => '1',
            'compare' => '='
    if ($grid_hosts_meetings) {
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key' => 'hosts_meetings', // ACF field key for hosts_meetings
            'value' => '1',
            'compare' => '='
    $partners_query = new WP_Query($args);
  • Solved

    Saving a post causes few sub-rows form the end under repeater field to be delete

    Something very weird.

    I made some custom functionality to make it happens the way I need, I’ll write here all the flow:
    – I have created a new custom post type called event. I also created a custom taxonomy under event called event_type.
    – I created from GUI a field-group with tabs and in every tabs there are custom fields.
    – In one of the tabs(last of them) there is a repeater and a sub-repeater.
    – Inside this sub-repeater there is a group, and under this group(let’s call it specific-event), I have SELECT field which I populate all terms from the custom taxonomy event_type.
    – I want that in the SELECT under the specific-event, when the user picks a term, it will show custom group under specific-event with custom fields.
    So what I did:
    I have created programmatically each group and set the parent attribute to be specific-event field key.
    Each group automatically gets ‘hidden’ class.
    In the JS API, I have created some logics, to detect any term select and make the correct group(I have created programmatically) to be visible.
    – So far all good, the custom functionality seems to be working,
    Everytime I change the term in the select under specific-event it shows me the correct sub-group under specific-event.
    BUT, when I add lets say 7 parent rows in the parent repeater, and inside I add more 3-4 sub-rows each,
    It doesnt save all… after saving I gets only 4 parent rows, and not 7. Something very very wierd.

    This is the code for the custom groups:

    add_action('init', function() {
            if (function_exists('acf_add_local_field_group')) {
                    'key' => 'field_event_event',
                    'label' => 'נקודת עניין',
                    'name' => 'event__event',
                    'aria-label' => '',
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'choices' => array(),
                    'return_format' => 'array',
                    'ui' => 1,
                    'multiple' => 0,
                    'parent' => 'field_6441222b20c40'
                    'key' => 'field_event_time',
                    'label' => 'זמן',
                    'name' => 'event__time',
                    'aria-label' => '',
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'instructions' => '',
                    'required' => 0,
                    'conditional_logic' => 0,
                    'taxonomy' => '',
                    'parent' => 'field_6441222b20c40'
                $event_types = get_terms([
                    'taxonomy' => 'event_type',
                    'hide_empty' => false,
                foreach ($event_types as $event_type) {
                    $dynamic_fields = (!empty(TL_ACF::get_field('event-type__dynamic-fields', 'event_type_' . $event_type->term_id)) ? TL_ACF::get_field('event-type__dynamic-fields', 'event_type_' . $event_type->term_id) : array());
                    $field_group = array(
                        'key' => 'field_' . $event_type->term_id,
                        'label' => $event_type->name,
                        'name' => 'event__type-' . $event_type->term_id,
                        'type' => 'group',
                        'wrapper' => array(
                            'class' => 'hidden',
                        'parent' => 'field_6441222b20c40'
                    foreach ($dynamic_fields as $dynamic_field) {
                        $field_group['sub_fields'][] = array(
                            'key' => 'field_' . $dynamic_field['dynamic-fields__system-name'],
                            'label' => $dynamic_field['dynamic-fields__name'],
                            'name' => 'type-' . $event_type->term_id . '__' . $dynamic_field['dynamic-fields__system-name'],
                            'type' => $dynamic_field['dynamic-fields__type']['value'],
  • Unread

    Use OpenAI for Custom Field value (taxonomy term)

    I have a website about movies. I have created a taxonomy Actors and added 2 custom fields via ACF “website” and “imdb link” and i use the standard field “description”

    When i add e.g. the taxonomy Tom Hanks, I head over to ChatGPT to ask for one paragraph on Tom Hanks, his website and his imdb link. I copy the results manually to to the term fields.

    The process is the same for each actor, as the process is a repetitive task, it should be able to be automated. I do have an active OpenAI account so i can use the API when needed.

    Do you guys think it would be possible to pull the information automatically from OpenAI and store it?

    As I am not a skilled programmer, any tips or directions on where to start would be appreciated.

  • Helping

    Show ACF Field in WooCommerce Add New Product for Specific Category

    Hi there,

    I need help in showing the ACF fields that I’ve created in WooCommerce Add New Product Page for a specific category only. That specific category would have some sub-category and I would like to include those as well. I can’t choose Post Type as Product because I have different fields customized for different product category.

    Currently, I could only make it to show in the Edit Product Page. If I choose the location rules as Post Taxonomy for a certain product type or product cat, then it’ll only show those ACF fields in the Edit Product Page as that particular post is published, and so it has its own taxonomy queried. However, before the post is published (add new product page), it would not show since it doesn’t have any taxonomy query yet.

    Is there anything that I can set to make this work or any advice on this? Would appreciate very much for the help given. Thanks

  • Helping

    How to show a field only on the top-level taxonomy?

    Is it possible to show a field only on the top-level taxonomy? I have a taxonomy hierarchy like this:

    – Courses
    — Arts
    — Drawing

    I want to show a field from a field group only on ‘Courses’.

    If that’s not doable, I would also be happy to create a separate field group and display this only on the top-level taxonomy. Would that be doable?

Viewing 25 results - 51 through 75 (of 4,545 total)