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  • This is my biggest priority with ACF. It’s been a great asset over the years, but this feature would make it the most powerful template builder for WordPress. Using the Flexible Content field, I’ve been able to create a set of “modules” that I use on every site I build. When I create a new page for the site, I just add some modules, pop in the content, and I’m done. It allows me to have repeatable flexible layouts in the easiest way I can imagine. Great work, Elliot!

    The only thing that’s missing here is the ability to duplicate a field group that has been populated with data. So, for instance, a user creates a page and clicks to add a banner layout (“module”). They input all of the settings I’ve created to make the banner, and it looks great. Now they want to create another banner right below that on the page, but instead of copying the module they’ve already created, they have to start all over and enter in all of those settings from scratch. The ability to duplicate a flexible layout with all of the data that’s been entered into a previous layout is essential for rapid production.

    The next extension of this issue is duplicating modules between different pages. A user sees a page on the site that they like a piece of. They go to the admin and click on Add New page. Since I’ve setup the site in modules, it’s easy to recreate any of the pieces from any page that exists on the site. However, the same problem exists as above; they have to recreate all of the settings from scratch. It would be awesome if we could create a custom_post_type called “templates” or something similar, and save the settings of a specific layout as a “template”. Then we could choose from the pre-created templates (similar to default values) when adding a layout to a page.

    If anyone knows if this already exists, I’d love to hear about it. If not, this piece would make this already awesome plugin the best page builder on the market. The API is better than anything else out there for creating fields. And the design is rock-solid.

  • I agree. This is an issue I’m running into right now with one of my sites. I’d like to see this optimized.

  • Confirmed as well. Posts are not updating due to a jquery error on post save.

  • I usually implement something like this by creating a radio field first that has 2 options–internal link & external link. Then I set 2 conditional fields based on the choice from that field–if internal, show page link field–if external, show text field.

    Of course it’d be nice to have this implemented right in the page link field, but it’s possible to create this functionality now.

  • I’ve been doing this for some time in a hacky sort of way. I create tab groups inside of each of my flexible layouts. The first tab is content. Second is options–usually all of the css/js options I make available for the layout. Third is Examples. I usually just take screen shots of the layouts I create then I use a description field to write some html that gives a nice preview of what the layout could be used to create.

    I plan to eventually extend this with a “wireframe” capability. I’d love to offer clickable wireframes that would autofill all of the fields with the appropriate options to create the layout the client clicked on. This would require writing a bunch of js to pull default values for these fields and autofill/create fields (especially for repeater fields), but I aspire to do this someday.

    It’d be a huge help if Elliot could implement some kind of js “duplicate” functionality for flexible layout fields and repeater fields. I imagine this being a fairly simple build since you’d just be copying all of the data from one set of fields into a new set of fields with the same setup. This would give me the framework I need to plug into to implement the “wireframe” templates I envision.

  • ACF5 is available now. It’s available via ACFPro. ACFPro is the v5 implementation of this plugin.

  • I noticed the same thing. If you have a flexible content field that has a repeater inside and you duplicate that flexible content field there is an issue with duplicating the fields inside the repeater. All looks well until you save the field group. Then you’ll notice that the everything duplicated beautifully…except the fields inside the repeater. If you look in the newly created flexible content field and open the repeater, you’ll find that there are no fields in it. If you open the repeater that is inside the original flexible content field, you’ll see 2 of each field.

  • Is there any way that this can be fixed via the core? I’m thinking either a validation check or an automatic change to the db that increases the character limit on the options_name field.

    The validation would go check the limit and compare it with the options_name it’s trying to save. If it fails, the user would get some kind of notice that doesn’t allow them to save this field or at least warns them that this field won’t work until they choose a shorter name. It just seems like a poor user experience to have it look like everything’s fine, when in reality, it won’t work at all.

    Thanks again for a great plugin!!!

  • +1 for this request as well.

    I also have an idea similar to this for the flexible layouts. Creating flexible layouts with the add-on is awesome. It has become one of the most used features for my sites. However, it would be incredibly awesome to be able to reuse layouts. I’ve created a field group with 30 layouts in a group. It makes it so I can create less templates in wordpress. However, if I want to reuse any of those layouts in another field group, I have to recreate them from scratch. It’d be nice to separate this logic a bit so we can reuse the layouts similar to the reuse of field groups talked about above.

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