

Forum Replies Created

  • @hube2 I believe its related to a conflict with wp-types.

  • Hi @tanvi I was thinking about doing that as well but would like to avoid downgrading, was hoping the ACF team might be able to chime in and let us know if this will be fixed soon.

  • @Elliot Condon

    The plugin updater is great, but I use ACF in a theme not through a plugin so I don’t get those notifications.

    Maybe a simple newsletter signup that could go out on each new release? I subscribe to the ‘ACF News’ newsletter but I don’t think updates go out on that for minor releases.

  • Experiencing the same issue, really need this working.

  • Setting this value:

    add_filter('acf/settings/path', function( $path ){
        return '/full/server/parth/wp-content/themes/themename/advanced-custom-fields/';

    fixed this issue. Is there a way to set this relative to the WP install location rather than a full path? The path will obviously change when I hand my theme off to clients who then use it on their own server.

  • Awesome… before closing this I want to confirm I’ve done the right thing:

    I’ve removed:
    include_once(‘core/controllers/upgrade.php’); from acf.php

    Does that cover it?

    Thanks again!


  • Elliot,

    Thanks for the quick response. I had already read the 2 articles you listed above and successfully implemented lite-mode (thanks for making it simple!).

    I want to clarify the legal issue: You are stating that it is NOT within the scope of the license to package the repeater and flexible content field add-ons with my theme at this time, correct?

    My framework is currently ready for release, but I obviously want to make sure everything is legit. Do you have an estimate of when packaging these add-ons will become possible? Is there any other option for me short term until the add-on updates are made?

    It might be worth noting, that I’m selling my framework as part of an education package that includes a seminar. I’m not sure if it would make distribution legalities different, but it won’t be available for sale on sites like Themeforest or WordPress.


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