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  • I am using a php render template, and I have put

    echo ‘<InnerBlocks template=”‘ . esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $template ) ) . ‘” templateLock=”all” />’;
    // Check rows exists.
    if ( have_rows( ‘card’ ) ):
    // Loop through rows.
    while ( have_rows( ‘card’ ) ): the_row();
    // Load sub field value.
    if ( get_sub_field( ‘image’ ) ) {
    $image = get_sub_field( ‘image’ );
    $image_id = $image[ ‘id’ ];
    $image_alt = $image[ ‘alt’ ];
    } else {
    $image_id = ‘152’;
    $image_alt = ‘placeholder image’;
    $text_background_colour = get_sub_field( ‘text_background_colour’ );
    $title = get_sub_field( ‘title’ );
    $sentence = get_sub_field( ‘sentence’ );
    // Do something…
    echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id, ‘full’, false, array(
    ‘data-sizes’ => ‘auto’,
    ‘alt’ => $image_alt
    ) );
    <p><?php echo esc_html($text_background_colour); ?></p>
    <p><?php echo esc_html($title); ?></p>
    <p><?php echo esc_html($sentence); ?></p>
    // End loop.
    // No value.
    else :
    // Do something…

    I found that if I put my content that should appear after the inner blocks into a completely separate div, it does appear in preview, even without the </innerblocks> closing tag. However, if I put it in the same div as the inner blocks, it does not appear in the preview.

  • I’m having similar issues. If you put a repeater with a wysiwyg into a block, there’s barely any room in the sidebar for people to type. And I agree that many clients will find the need to switch between editing and preview modes irritating. I guess tweaking the css for the editor pages could help, maybe allocating more of the screen width to the sidebar and reducing some of the margins/paddings of the custom fields themselves, but it would be great if an ‘official’ approach was available from ACF. The more people start doing this kind of thing the more it will become a problem that needs resolving properly.

  • Fixed it. It was caused by some code in my functions.php, copied over from an earlier project. After I removed it everything worked fine.

  • Bump!

    My captions for images added into wysiwyg fields have suddenly stopped appearing. A few days ago they were fine, I think, but today they are suddenly gone. In fact, WordPress is no longer wrapping the captioned images in a <figure> tag so the whole layout has gone awry. It is basically treating captioned images as uncaptioned images. I am not 100% sure it is not due to something I have done, but if anyone can give advice would be v grateful. All my plugins and theme etc are up to date. THe site is not live, it is on mamp, still being built.

    If I add an image in the standard (non acf) wysiwyg, captions do appear.


    I think I may have found the cause. Plugin called wp typography, if I deactivate it, the captions reappear. Not sure yet, maybe there is a compatibility issue.

  • I appreciate what people are saying about the Yoast “Fluff”, however for me the fluff is important.

    Most of my clients have heard that SEO is “important”, but they do not really know what it is. They like to see SEO featured in the cms. Yoast provides that, and also gives them a useful set of hints on how to improve their SEO on a page by page basis.

    It may not be ideal, but it gives them a starting point for thinking about SEO, and it makes sure they don’t ignore the essentials.

    Also, I have had many many clients who, the minute their site goes live, get contacted by various dodgy “seo specialist” companies trying to instil fear and doubt in them about their SEO, in order to poach the ongoing site maintenance and basically steal my work. Therefore it is important to demonstrate to the client that SEO is already a feature of their site.

    However, if Yoast ignores ACF fields it can give them wildly inaccurate “scores”. It is too much to expect non technical clients to get their heads around the fact that this does not really matter, or to explain why, they want things to “just work”. It undermines the clients confidence in their site.

    I am not aware of any other plugin that does what Yoast does, imperfect as it is, and I feel they have invested so much in their product that surely they will eventually come out of the awkward patch they seem to be going through at the moment.

    If anyone does know of other SEO plugins that might be a good alternative, I would be keen to know. It may be that the problem with Yoast is precisely a lack of competition, no one snapping at their heels.

  • I did this and it works well as far as the build of the site is concerned. My only problem so far has been that the Yoast SEO plugin is not recognising content in the acf fields. As these fields are actually 95% of the content now, it means I can’t use Yoast SEO with it in a meaningful way, and it totally confuses the clients:(

  • I am pretty amazed at the lack of support on this issue from either ACF or Yoast. Both are major plugins used by squillions of people, so the fact they don’t work well together is a major issue. I would have thought they would be working together to sort this out. Not impressed.

  • Hi

    Is there any news on this issue? There must be a massive amount of sites out there that use both yoast and acf. Seems to me they are two of the most used plugins in the world. But yoast doesnt recognise any acf content as far as I can tell.

    I have just made a large site that uses acf for the bulk of content with the result that the yoast seo scores are terrible for every page and post!

    Surely it is in the interests of everyone that a solution is found for this, presumably by acf and yoast working together?

    I did have a plugin that dealt with this issue, but recent updates to acf have, I think, caused it to show errors in the cms so I have had to remove it.

    Both acf and yoast seo are great plugins, pretty much essential I think, but now I have to go and tell my client the yoast is pretty much meaningless.

    Thanks for listening.

  • there are some solutions at

    however i have found nothing yet that deals successfully with repeater fields or flexible content. The relevannsi developer says an ACF dev should be able to figure it out if taking the info at the above link into account.

    I use acf and relevannsi on pretty much every site, so a way to get good search results for ACF from relevannsi is really important to me, but as a front end dev i feel out of my depth at this point.

    A generic example for getting flexible content to show in snippets and one for repeaters would hopefully be all I would need to sort the rest out myself.

    Can anyone help?

  • @Cloud9 did you ever manage to clean up this solution to remove all the unwanted stuff? I find it is partly working but an awful lot of junk is appearing in the snippets alongside the useful stuff. eg

    …4 1449577239:1 page-da-default.php The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of the local people.” field_5639fb21efdb8 darkblue field_563a2064a37b9 none field_563a2099a37ba three_column three_column three_column field_5639fa6d148b5 0 field_563a28c817505

    Like you I am out of my depth trying to fix this on my own – but I think you know more than I do!

  • Thanks, that’s what I was hoping to hear 🙂

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