

Forum Replies Created

  • Thanks John. Yeah that sucks but I guess I will have to do it.
    Do you know the correct way of implementing the ability to hide an included ACF in a plugin menu while still allowing other plugins to enable it again?

    The example above doesn’t seem to work…
    Only the ACF_lite define seems to hide the menu.

  • I figured it out. I actually re-included the ACF in my plugin menu temporarily so that i can access it when it is disabled when other’s are using define(“ACF_LITE”,true) in their plugins. When you have this paradox, you can’t open ACF menu unless you do this, but while doing this you cannot access the export.
    So, to make it work, you need find all of the those acf_lite and set them to false then I had to disable myown menu call to it. or just know the url to it.

    //add_submenu_page($top_menu_item, '', 'ACF', 'manage_options', 'edit.php?post_type=acf');

    FYI, this doesn’t work for disabling the ACF menu view:
    add_filter('acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false');

  • Thanks John. I will try that.

    Seems like one is like this:

    if( !defined('ACF_LITE')){ define('ACF_LITE',true); }

    Doe that change anything?

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