your plugin only search one field at a time.
and its not supporting all types of fields.
are you planning a new update for it ?.
? How is that working ?
I have been trying that, and also Googled it, without Amy luck…
Nope 🙂
That code only do the job, if it’s a “simple” fields.
But my issue is, that i want to hide data from field2, <- triggeret IF = Audi, in field1, if it’s not having Audi inside field1.
Field1 contain all car manifactor, and it’s also used for all car names that have the models inside.
My issue is, when i have models inside (field2) it’s being showed, evne that the car name not inde field1. 😩
Sh– 🙂
So there is no Way to say:
Take this link by the (get_field) and Then take the custom field that is defined and Berlingske to that post, and show Them here..
Just Like if get the content from post_id or somthing
I have already tryed this plug-ins :).
My issue is:
I have the get_field witch getting the URL to the the post.
But i dont know How to use the custom fields, to Tell that i shoud take the URL field and take the fields from the URL post and show Them.
The field getting the URL and showing the post when clicing it.
But i want it to open in a popup or “modal” .
If possible to Tell that i shoud take some field that i have defined and show the, that Will ve Nice :).
Did it make sense ? ?.
If not i Will try wrawing it later. It might give more sense, Im not so good to write eng… :).
Thanks for Quick answer.
Short description of my need.
Im looking for at Way to open my link from my custom field, in a modal (Like a info Window)
And show my content from a post, or be able to “set” the field to load, and show me the content just as if i was looking directly in the post..
My site is:
In-sted of just load the link, i want to see it without leavimg the window. :).
ups :-).
i have try both via the – funktion.php by inserting the export php code to this file.
i have also try your example by inserting
`the_field( ‘field_name’, $post->ID ) inn my theme, both page.php and post.php
by doing the last example im able to get some fields, etc an number string or text, but then its showet in the left side of the post, and its not showet with the view rules i have set to the field. example: test string to show for login in users, and if page is – contact.
yes i have try both with and with out the <?php 🙂
how do i get an text/number or Picture to show on my pages and postes ? .
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