How to: allow search in all custom fields
Challenges: i want to search all my custom fields in the search (Ajax search)
Using many “Word/Keys” and not only one Word.
What i have:
Allots of custom fields.
mostly, selcetion and checkboxes in the back end. That is used in woocommerce.
What have i done:
Google as H……. 🙂 and Been trying REALLY many diffrent types of examples.
But only found a solution that toke one eather one custom field and one content Word.
What do i need:
I need a Way to search multiply custom fields (words/Keys) at ones….
So when typing ex. 5 words, it shoud look into all the custom fields
And present result with the words..
Where do i want this:
in the top of wordpress or woocommerce
Or/and in widget
How do i want it to be done:
If possible!
Like a Add_funktion or somthing. I that way im able to insert it where i want it, without having to Think on templates updates and so one. OR by using a shortcode .
Thank 🙂
Try to use ACF Better Search plugin.
? How is that working ?
I have been trying that, and also Googled it, without Amy luck…