If I were to delete the acf-field-group and acf-field post types from the DB (not even sure how to do this yet) would that essentially remove all records referencing ACF from my database? I looking to do this because I have cloned and recycled my website multiple times and now have a huge amount of records in the DB that are no longer necessary or applicable. I want to reduce the size of my database and delete all records for fields that no longer exist or are not being used. I am willing to delete my entire ACF and rebuild it with the current fields I need to use.
“In ACF 5, there are two post types “acf-field-group” and “acf-field”. the acf-field post type are child posts of the acf-field-group post type. First you need to find the parent group ID and then search for acf-field posts with that parent id. The group and field information are both saved in the post table post_content column as serialized arrays, again, be careful editing this.”
I tried position a lot with integers to no effect however I didn’t try decimals. Anyways, I think I found a better solution…thank you for the input though, it is appreciated.
I ended up going with a plugin, even though I always prefer to hard code something myself when possible. This case just seemed too wonky to rely on hand coding it.
For those looking an easy solution, this plugin worked great out of the box and took less than two minutes to learn and configure:
I did not get a working solution for this and abandoned the effort. I would like to find out a technique though that works.
Hi John:
I tried echoing and its says Array. Any idea on how to proceed?
I respect the motivation to not over ride default WP Core features. I certainly appreciate your consideration for escalating the request.
Meanwhile, I will look into the solution above. I do remember seeing that particular article when looking for an answer prior to posting here.
I build several pages on my sites where I do not use the content editor so I want it turned off completely. However I need it available for those pages where I do need it.
What I don’t want to do is place ACF fields below the content editor and have the content editor blank.
Our preference is to have the ACF fields always appear in the editor in the order in which they will appear on front-end.
Hi John H:
Thanks for the input.
On #1 I understand what is happening but it still seems like the ACF plugin should override this default behavior, why else would there be an order feature? I used the drag method to correct it, but since I use Seamless (No Metabox) option, I had to switch to Standard (WP Metabox) first to correct the ordering.
On #2 in this particular scenario I feel like this is a bug or design flaw. It should definitely cascade down and loop through the groups and if anything is checked it should apply the action.
Especially since “page banners” group applies to all page, not just the one page where I want to turn off the content editor.
This seemed like a good solution but for whatever reason I cannot get it going…
I have tried various permutations and still the variable is not being passed…
Not sure how to answer your question how am I calling it…did I not give enough information above?
Right now I am trying something like this and still no luck
<?php // For GSL
global $post;
$variable = get_field('lp_background', $post->ID); ?>
.custom #landing_banner .wrapper { background: url('<?php $variable ?>') transparent no-repeat center top; background-size: cover; }
Are you able to provide a better code block using the actual fields name I am showing in my example?
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks – I understand that the code that I posted will no longer work. But I am looking for the code that will produce the same effect.
I tried to use the information in both those pages several times, as mentioned two-hours of experimentation and can’t seem to get it to work.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Any help?
You also mentioned something about a rand function. I have the following on a few sites but not every site I am having the problem with is using this function. Either way can you take a look and let me know if there is anything mal-formed that I need to be concerned about?
<div class="praise">
$rows = get_field('book_praise', 'option' );
$rand_row = $rows[ array_rand( $rows ) ];
$rand_row_comment = $rand_row['praise_comment' ];
$rand_row_name = $rand_row['praise_name' ];
$rand_row_org = $rand_row['praise_org' ];
<div class="review">
<span class="quote_top">“</span><span class="comment"><?php echo $rand_row_comment; ?></span><span class="quote_bottom">”</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="attribute">
<span class="quote_bar"><img src="<?php echo(THESIS_USER_SKINS_URL); ?>/mobile-first/images/quote_bar.png" alt="Publications" /></span>
<span class="name">~ <?php echo $rand_row_name; ?></span>
<span class="org"><?php echo $rand_row_org; ?></span>
You know I am interesting in this suggestion…
“Maybe also do some debugging with ACF’s function get_field and WP’s functions get_postmeta to compare the differences”
However, after searching around and experimenting I am not able find any information that instructs clearly how to accomplish this.
If there any way you can show me the steps necessary to do this?
I actually had a small break through yesterday by changing the way jQuery is loaded on my sites. It fixed a lot of my issues my it is still sometime quirky.
You know, your custom fields plugin is by far the best on the market. And at this point I am so deeply invested in that it is deployed on so many clients sites that I kind of got to get to root cause.
It seems the issue is also isolated to just Chrome, IE/FF work like a charm. Since the sites have been loading better I have noticed that the quirk sometimes appears when I am using HTML tags within a textarea, simple stuff like and .
Let e know if you have any more ideas. In the meanwhile I will try to debug but it’ll be a learning curve.
This is happening on multiple servers, lcoally and with various hosts I have come to discover. It seems that plugin experiment is pointing to ACF. As far as debugging goes. I have no idea how to execute what you are suggesting.
Frankly, I am getting a little nervous about using this product knowing that there now seems to be widespread issue across a dozen or so client sites I am using it on. Any additional help getting this resolved would be extremely helpful…
There are no site/server caching systems in place. Unless something has changed dramatically without my knowledge which is highly unlikely.
I really do not think it is a server issue, which was my first thought. However when I recently moved the site to a new server to go live (with hope of problem being fixed on it’s own.) nothing changed. I am still experiencing the issues.
I am still very interested in finding a solution to this however Elliot, what you stated above went right over my head. It is possible you could consolidate it into a working technique…
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just an example for now to show the conditional. But what I am actually trying to do is associate a row with an author_id (some user data). So if a post is by a certain author, it will display an associated row of data about that particular author.
I have been experimenting with this also with no success. Anyone have any luck cracking this. I too am trying to change the menu position of the “options” menu (from the options add-on), not the custom fields. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi I guess I realized this after the fact…So here is what I want to be able to do:
I have a repeater field (called author) with three sub-fields (called book, title, year). There are two “rows” meaning, two entries in the repeater field group.
So something like:
Book1, Title1, Year1
Book2, Title2, Year2
I am looking to write some conditional like
if (author_id == "21") :
<display the data for row 1>
Can you give some instruction on how to use the “Conditional Logic” at the bottom of their respective fieldsets. I’ve tried playing with then but they never seem to do any thing wand I do not see anything explicit instruction about how they work
The script for inline works great in most cases and thanks for that. However, how do I get that into something like the <BODY> element. Also, I guess I’d still like to know how to hook up a dynamic style.php file for dynamic CSS. That opens the door to a world of possibilities for custom development.
Not really sure this answers my question. It might be a work around for domains, but it requires a programmer. Most end-users are not that saavy.
I do not use a SQL export file anyways for migration, typically just use a tool like WP Twin. Plus, I know that there may clearly be other instances where I want PHP to execute in the input fields…
Any help on this is greatly appreciated…
Seems like this would be a pretty common request to keep all links and file paths universal and versatile in case you want to migrate or clone your site to a different domain in the future.
Any help is greatly appreciated…thanks in advance!
I am not sure this is the type of solution I am looking for. Can anyone shed some light on this subject.
Seems like this would be a pretty common request to keep all links and file paths universal and versatile in case you want to migrate or clone your site to a different domain in the future.
Any help is greatly appreciated…thanks in advance!
Solved my own question…thanks for your input!
Thanks I will play with this some more today.
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