Same with ACF PRO 5.7.12
Call to undefined function _acf_get_field_by_id() in /plugins/simple-history/loggers/Plugin_ACF.php
disabling the logger for now.
Also had to roll back to 5.5.7
PHP-defined fields ceased to even show up on CPT edit screen with 5.5.8. Didn’t get any further than that, just figured I’d “chime in” here
get_field_object requires the field key if you are not referencing a saved value. The field key looks something like: field_53beaa2f69615
In the Edit Field Group screen:
Screen Options (window shade) > Show Field Key: Yes
One you have it:
$field = get_field_object($field_key);
echo $field['choices']['fr'];
foreach( $field['choices'] as $name => $label ) { ... }
For more:
using Flexible Content field, the old workaround “new field group” is not workable. I’d love to see this addressed (start / end tab group)
WP 4.0 + ACF PRO 5.0.7 = OK
WP 4.0 + ACF PRO 5.0.8 = Exact issue described above
I’m not in a position to “disable all other plugins” but I can say that the two parallel installations I have are exactly the same, except for the ACF PRO version. One works, one does not.
I also have the image field not working in 5.0.8
But it’s not on an Options page. It’s on a Custom Post Type edit screen.
“as soon as I press ‘select’ in the wordpress media manager, it just won’t insert the image. The field still says ‘Add Image’”
So maybe this issue effects more than just Options pages.
Console shows:
Uncaught Error: A "url" property or function must be specified
I did use object caching on my test sites. Field save is working as expected with 4.1.8
Thank you
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