

Forum Replies Created

  • Same problem here! And same first try with InnerBlocks ^^
    I thought I was doing something wrong…
    When I insert the block with the editor, I do not see anything… No button to add blocks.
    But when I define a template, I see the blocks :/ But still no “add block” button…

  • Hi, I actually made one :
    It’s somehow a boilerplate, you can take a look

  • Ok I ended up with a solution, here is the code, don’t hesitate to comment!

    						<?php $spes = get_field( 'rel_spes', false, false ); if ( $spes ) : ?>
    		$types = get_terms( array(
    		    'taxonomy' => 'job-type',
    		    'hide_empty' => true,
    		    'object_ids' => $spes 
    		foreach( $types as $type ) : 
    		$args = array(
    		    'post_type'         => 'job',
    		    'posts_per_page'    => -1,
    		    'post__in'          => $spes,
    		    'orderby'           => 'post__in',
    			'tax_query' => array(
    					'taxonomy' => 'job-type',
    					'terms' => $type->slug,
    					'field' => 'slug',
    		$jobs = new WP_Query($args); 
    		<p class="widget-title job-types"><?php echo $type->name; ?></p>
    		<ul class="sidebar-menu">
    			<?php foreach( $jobs->posts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
    			<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    			<?php endforeach; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>	
  • Hello, I’m interested in a sample code 🙂
    I want to to the exact same thing, but my relationship field is set to return an objet… Is it still possible ?

  • Thanks a lot!!
    It’s perfectlty working 🙂

  • Oh, you are creating blocks with a UI?
    Looks like an ACF repeater field

    I use PHP only, in a plugin. So I do not have a specific field pour the preview

  • It’s just a CSS trick 🙂
    I call some CSS for the admin and then:

    #editor {
    	.block-editor-inserter__results {
    		display: flex;
    		flex-direction: column;
    		.components-panel__body:last-child {
    			order: -1;
    			border-bottom: 0;

    But I’m aware this will only work if my group is the last one 🙂

  • Thanks @phildesigns but I’ve just tried and all I get is a white placeholder… I would be interested in your full code as well 🙂

  • Ok I managed to do it 🙂

    Using add_row after the form submission, here is the code:

    	add_action('acf/save_post', 'fs_sequence_progress');
    	function fs_sequence_progress( $post_id ) {
    		if ( ! is_admin() ) {
    			$seq_title = get_the_title();
    			$seq_id = get_the_id();
    			$uid = get_current_user_id();
    			$row = array(
    			    'page_title'	=> $seq_title,
    			    'page_id'		=> $seq_id
    			add_row('pages_ok', $row, 'user_'.$uid);							 
  • Hello,

    OK, I’ve thought of a new process 🙂
    I’ve created a repeater field to store the pages that have been read.
    On the frontend I use acf_form to display the repeater AND two custom inputs prefilled with the page title and the page id.
    Now what I need to do is to increment the repeater with the values of the custom inputs…
    Any idea how I can do that? with load_field ?
    Here are 2 screenshots, profile view and frontend view

  • Hi 🙂
    I’m also interested in providing block preview!
    Thanks to @jghazally I tried to add this to acf_register_block :

    'example' => array(
        'attributes' => array(
           'cover' => ADBLOCKS__PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/fallback.png',

    but I have no preview in the editor, just a spinning loader and then a white space
    screenshot attached

  • Hi!
    We also still have this issue, it doesn’t seems to be resolved.
    We had an option page with 3 tabs and lots of fields in each tab… after a sync it was totally messed up!
    Is there a fix on the way?

  • hello,
    we encounter the same issue here… it’s quite a mess with lots of flexible fields!
    what is your workaround exactly?

  • Hey, thanks for the link Peter, I’ll take a look !

  • Hello,

    I’m also studying the possibility to add a featured image for each site in a network!
    Would love to know if there is way to achieve that with ACF, but I’m not sure, as ACF fields are not available in the network admin.

    I found this plugin on GitHub:
    Maybe it’s worth a try.

    Edit: it seems this plugin needs an update… got a fatal error after activation…
    Edit 2: OK the fatal error is only displayed until you upload pictures for the sites.

  • OK John, I solved this out. I added $group to the first return…

    if ($group['key'] != 'group_58c6bfd3a0239') {
       // not our field group
       return $group;

    Thanks again for your precious help!

  • ok, I’m almost there 🙂

    I modified the code like this :

    add_filter('acf/get_field_group', 'my_modify_field_group_function');
    function my_modify_field_group_function($group) {
    	if ($group['key'] != 'group_58c6bfd3a0239') {   // note: I replaced $field with $group
    	// not our field group
    	} else {
    		// add an OR rule to existing location rules for a specific field group
    		$group['location'] = array(
    			array (
    				array (
    					'param' => 'post_type',
    					'operator' => '==',
    					'value' => 'portfolio',
    			array (
    				array (
    					'param' => 'post_type',
    					'operator' => '==',
    					'value' => 'team',
    			array (
    				array (
    					'param' => 'post_type',
    					'operator' => '==',
    					'value' => 'page',
    			array (
    				array (
    					'param' => 'post_type',
    					'operator' => '==',
    					'value' => 'post',
    		return $group;

    Now it’s working, I have the field group of my plugin available for portfolio and team. But the problem is that I cannot manually create other field groups… They appear inactive, and the fields seems not saved!

    the the screenshots without the filter, and with the filter

  • ok I begin to understand, thanks for your help and patience!
    I tried the following, but then I got no more ACF fields in the edit views nor in the acf admin view !

    add_filter('acf/get_field_group', 'my_modify_field_group_function');
    function my_modify_field_group_function($group) {
    	if ($field['key'] != 'group_58c6bfd3a0239') {
    	// not our field group
    	// add an OR rule to existing location rules for a specific field group
    	$group['location'][] = array(
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'post',
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'page',
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'portfolio',
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'team',
    	return $group;
  • ok thanks!
    but I can’t use it that way:

    add_filter('acf/get_field_group', 'my_modify_field_group_function');
    function my_modify_field_group_function($group) {
    	'key' => 'group_58c6bfd3a0239',
            'location' => array (
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'portfolio',
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'team',
      return $group;

    I think I have to add the field group ID?

  • Hello John,
    Thanks for your answer, I think a filter is what I need but I’m not sure how to modify $group
    I think I have to add this (my 2 CPT) :

    	'location' => array (
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'portfolio',
    		array (
    			array (
    				'param' => 'post_type',
    				'operator' => '==',
    				'value' => 'team',

    But I don’t know how 🙁

  • Thanks a lot James !
    I can order now the outpout on the front-end 🙂

    I update my code like this :

    $the_problems = get_field('related_taxo');
    $order = array();
    foreach( $the_problems as $i => $problem ) {
        $order[ $i ] = $problem->count;
    array_multisort( $order, SORT_ASC, $the_problems )


  • Hello,
    same issue for me 🙂
    just rolled back to 5.1.9 until 5.2.1 fix that issue !

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