I updated to 5.2.0 and any field groups with ‘Taxonomy Term’ rules broke, changing to ‘Post Taxonomy’.
I tried to change them back but they reverted to ‘Post Taxonomy’ rules.
I’ve rolled back to and functionality has been restored, without updating any fields.
P.S. I think the ‘Post Taxonomy’ rule type should be more accurately named ‘Taxonomy Term’, and the ‘Taxonomy Term’ rule type named ‘Taxonomy’.
I have this issue too. I have a further issue of the categories I have created not showing up on the right drop down after I have selected ‘Taxonomy Term’. Not sure if it is related…
Yeah it is, mine is doing the same. I’ve just rolled back to 5.1.9 until it is sorted.
I had this too. I was adding fields to categories but they weren’t showing up. Reverted to 5.1.9 and they are back. That was a waste of 3 hours.
I’ve spent a similar time on it. Is there a way of downloading an earlier version of pro?
Yeah, log into your account, and click on the tag icon on the download button for your Pro download.
Yep. Same issue here – really busted up my client site. Rolling back fixes it.
We are having the same issues. Very frustrating but I’m happy to help test a fix.
Same issue for me. Our site heavily relies on this functionality.
Just to add a “ditto”. Same issue here. I’m currently in the process of rolling back to 5.1.9.
Same issue here with 5.2.0, and rolling back seems to remove all custom fields configuration. Yay!
Same problem here! 🙁
Rolling back also fixed it for us too. We deactivated 5.2.0, via SFTP renamed the plugin directory, installed, activated that version and everything was fixed. We then removed the 5.2.0 folder.
Hopefully it can be fixed for 5.2.x 🙂
Ok, glad to see it was not just me going crazy here 🙂 Will be rolling back for now.
Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one. That was driving me crazy.
Same here with 5.2.0
I also noticed that while editing a custom post type entry with custom taxonomies, the taxonomy panel disapears when you check a taxonomy term. if you go to screen options you can bring it back, but then again, if you check a term the whole panel hides.
Rolled back to =)
Ditto for me.
Attempting a rollback to now.
edit: I can confirm also that rolling back to Version fixes this particular issue 🙂
Ah, never mind. I found the giant button right in front of my face.
Manheim, can you please state where this giant button to download prior versions lives? There’s a lot of Internet out there.
FOLLOW-UP: If anyone’s wondering, you go to Account > My Licenses (scroll down) > ACF Pro > click on the “tag” icon.
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