@hube2 There are some libraries to easily valid a phone number : https://github.com/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php
But you’re right : outside US, the phone parts don’t make sense. Even in US, the parts work for a cell number ?
@webendev Apparently Gravity Forms valid only US format. The International option valids… nothing
Code snippet from the plugin :
$phone_formats = array(
'standard' => array(
'label' => '(###) ###-####',
'mask' => '(999) 999-9999',
'regex' => '/^\D?(\d{3})\D?\D?(\d{3})\D?(\d{4})$/',
'instruction' => '(###) ###-####',
'international' => array(
'label' => __( 'International', 'gravityforms' ),
'mask' => false,
'regex' => false,
'instruction' => false,
returns a group name (not a field). acf_get_field
works on it ? And event if it works, i will get the group in the good context in order to have its parent ? (A group can have a parent ?)
When i have time i will test but i have little hope.
Anyway, i will update this post with the result
Yes, for the moment i get the parent field from root group and i go through its children :
add_filter( 'acf/get_fields', 'acf_get_fields', 10, 2 );
function acf_get_fields( $fields, $parent ) {
if ( $parent['key'] === 'group1' ) {
foreach ( $fields as &$field ) {
if ( $field['name'] === 'my_parent_field' ) {
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $k => &$sub_field ) {
if ( $sub_field['name'] === 'my_target_field' ) {
// my code
return $fields;
But it would be great if acf_get_field_ancestors works with clone fields 🙂
Sadly, i looked at the source code and apparently, it could takes a lot of work.
I have found a solution to hide easily a field :
add_filter( 'acf/load_field/name=inscription_classe', [ $this, 'hide_field' ] );
public function hide_field( $field ) {
$field['conditional_logic'] = 1;
return $field;
The only problem is : if the field is manually posted with the form (by dom modification or http request modification), the field is saved to the db.
Not terrible because i don’t want form submitter can change this field. I tried readonly
no effect on db saving.
Always no solution to hide completely a field without the possibility to submit it ?
Perfect !
Thank you both 🙂
Hi @elliot, i use ACF PRO 5.4.6
OK thank you 🙂
Thank you for your answer :).
I added menu_slug option :
acf_add_options_sub_page( array(
'page_title' => 'Génération',
'menu_title' => 'Génération',
'parent_slug' => 'edit.php?post_type=[post_type_slug],
'menu_slug' => 'generation',
) );
Same behavior : url wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=[post_type_slug]&page=generation
is redirected to wp-admin/admin.php?page=generation
(So menu is deactivated)
In fact, the redirect url is hard coded at the line 236 of file
(ACF 5.4.6):
wp_redirect( admin_url("admin.php?page={$plugin_page}&message=1") );
Finally i used wpdb to execute this request:
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id AND mt1.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_0')
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt2 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt2.post_id AND mt2.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_0')
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt3 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt3.post_id AND mt3.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_1')
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt4 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt4.post_id AND mt4.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_1')
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt5 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt5.post_id AND mt5.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_2')
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt6 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt6.post_id AND mt6.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_2')
1 = 1
AND (wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'code pays'
AND wp_postmeta.meta_value = 'fr')
AND ((mt1.meta_value <= 7000 AND mt2.meta_value >= 7000)
OR (mt3.meta_value <= 7000 AND mt4.meta_value >= 7000)
OR (mt5.meta_value <= 7000 AND mt6.meta_value >= 7000))
AND wp_posts.post_type = 'distributeur'
AND wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'
LIMIT 0 , 1
Duration: 0.031 sec
It’s exactly the same code except that meta_key conditions are on join and not on where and i replaced INNER JOIN by LEFT JOIN.
My knowledge of Mysql optimization is limited so i don’t know exactly why it’s really faster but it works 🙂
If the query does not differentiate between fields in different rows, i don’t understand why there is a repeater field. One field stat_date and one field end_field are enough ^^’.
Finally, WP_Query is too slow : 17 seconds with 2 rows and timeout with 3 rows and i don’t know why, the request does not seem so complicated :
[post_type] => distributeur
[posts_per_page] => 1
[meta_query] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => code pays
[value] => fr
[1] => Array
[relation] => OR
[0] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_min_0
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => <=
[1] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_max_0
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => >=
[1] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_min_1
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => <=
[1] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_max_1
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => >=
[2] => Array
[relation] => AND
[0] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_min_2
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => <=
[1] => Array
[key] => rc_cp_max_2
[value] => 7000
[type] => numeric
[compare] => >=
[error] =>
[m] =>
[p] => 0
[post_parent] =>
[subpost] =>
[subpost_id] =>
[attachment] =>
[attachment_id] => 0
[name] =>
[static] =>
[pagename] =>
[page_id] => 0
[second] =>
[minute] =>
[hour] =>
[day] => 0
[monthnum] => 0
[year] => 0
[w] => 0
[category_name] =>
[tag] =>
[cat] =>
[tag_id] =>
[author] =>
[author_name] =>
[feed] =>
[tb] =>
[paged] => 0
[comments_popup] =>
[meta_key] =>
[meta_value] =>
[preview] =>
[s] =>
[sentence] =>
[fields] =>
[menu_order] =>
[ignore_sticky_posts] =>
[suppress_filters] =>
[cache_results] => 1
[update_post_term_cache] => 1
[update_post_meta_cache] => 1
[nopaging] =>
[comments_per_page] => 50
[no_found_rows] =>
[order] => DESC
wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt2 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt2.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt3 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt3.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt4 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt4.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt5 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt5.post_id)
wp_postmeta AS mt6 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt6.post_id)
1 = 1
AND ((wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'code pays'
AND CAST(wp_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) = 'fr')
AND (((mt1.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_0'
AND CAST(mt1.meta_value AS SIGNED) <= '7000')
AND (mt2.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_0'
AND CAST(mt2.meta_value AS SIGNED) >= '7000'))
OR ((mt3.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_1'
AND CAST(mt3.meta_value AS SIGNED) <= '7000')
AND (mt4.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_1'
AND CAST(mt4.meta_value AS SIGNED) >= '7000'))
OR ((mt5.meta_key = 'rc_cp_min_2'
AND CAST(mt5.meta_value AS SIGNED) <= '7000')
AND (mt6.meta_key = 'rc_cp_max_2'
AND CAST(mt6.meta_value AS SIGNED) >= '7000'))))
AND wp_posts.post_type = 'distributeur'
AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'future'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'draft'
OR wp_posts.post_status = 'pending')
GROUP BY wp_posts.ID
ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC
LIMIT 0 , 1
Yes it’s a little more complicated than ACF example and they are postal codes and not dates but principle is the same.
That’s what i thought :/
But you confirm there is a mistake in documentation ? How we can report the error ?
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