I have different problem. I’m “trying” to implement the ACF fields into quick edit, but when I press the select image button, the console fires up this error:
TypeError: acf.l10n is null
...}t.find(".title h4").text(acf.l10n.google_map.locating+"...");t.addClass("active...
I confirm – worked for me! Thanks @elliot!
Keep up doing great work!
Hi @elliot,
well, I’ve just tried, but the tabs are still switching to the fist one. When I’m adding a row in the repeater field (but then I’m removeing it’s ok), and when I’m adding an image.
It must have to do something with object generationI think, thease bug appears on “adding” stuff.
We experience problems with tabs and they are peatty annoying.
When we have repeater field in those tabs. Once we try to add some media or add new row the tab swiches to the first one – it’s very bad when we want to add a lot of data. Hope the fix will be soon.