This is my config
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);
No errors are shown either on the page, in the log or in the chrome console. Nothing at all.
It only works when I set the following
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
Shame there isn’t any direct support for it here – it would help massively if it was, even via a paid plugin.
Will someone explain the basics?
What if the field is a relationship field? Let’s say I’ve uploaded a photo and want to relate it to an event (custom post type) and an artist (CPT)
I can set this in ACF so I go into a photo, edit it, and the ACF relationship boxes are there
However I can’t get them to show for bulk edits. Any guidance for this?