Hi, is the acf_form_head() function called before any HTML output? As explained in the docs, the acf_form_head() function is used to process, validate and save the submitted form data created by the acf_form() function. It will also enqueue all ACF related scripts and styles for the form to display correctly.
This function must be placed before any HTML has been output, preferably above the get_header() function of your theme file.
Just noticed the “Dev – Added “google_map_result” JS filter” on the 5.8.6 changelog. Is it possible to disable it? Our problem is that some locations must be defined by latitude and longitude coordinates instead of addresses as they are remote or non urban locations.
Thanks in advanced
Same here. Any known workaround available? As jnicol says, it would be great to control this functionality via field settings or maybe with a filter.
Thanks in advanced
I forgot to mention, also switched to twenty nineteen theme with no luck, the issue still persists. Thanks!