@elliot Now that the update has been released and we know that the fields are copied over the wp_termmeta table, can we delete them from the wp_options table ?
Great News Elliot!!! Thanks so much! Would it allow to update old values so to clean the options table safely?
Since the error seems being not blocking (post save or update action), I came up with a kind of fix (shame) adding !important
to line 52
of global.css
in advanced-custom-field-pro/css/global.css
So turning:
.acf-visible { display: block; visibility: visible; }
.acf-hidden { display: none; visibility: visible; }
.acf-visible { display: block!important; visibility: visible; }
.acf-hidden { display: none!important; visibility: visible; }
prevent inline styles injected by Tabify to overwrite ACF styles.
There’s still the need to inspect if this could be enough or there’s any other compatibility issue especially concerning data.
wow, six days still no ideas ?
You could register your script in functions.php and then enqueue it right where you need. So, just as a mere example:
in functions.php
wp_register_script( 'gmaps','https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false', array(), '1.0', true );
and then in your layout code:
elseif( get_row_layout() == 'map' ):
$google_maps = get_sub_field('google_maps');
if( !empty($google_maps) ):
This will load google’s .js in footer just when you need it.
Here too.
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