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Tabify support [ACF 5.0.2]

  • After upgrading ACF to Pro 5.0.2 (WP 3.9.1, Tabify 0.8.1):

    In Tabify configuration screen, all the ACF field groups are shown on every cpt no matter their rules. Despite that everything seems ok at the first edit.php page load. The problem araise again switching tabs, since Tabify try to force the display of those field groups even if they do not belong to the current post type.

  • wow, six days still no ideas ?

  • Since the error seems being not blocking (post save or update action), I came up with a kind of fix (shame) adding !important to line 52 of global.css in advanced-custom-field-pro/css/global.css
    So turning:

    .acf-visible { display: block; visibility: visible; }
    .acf-hidden { display: none; visibility: visible; }


    .acf-visible { display: block!important; visibility: visible; }
    .acf-hidden { display: none!important; visibility: visible; }

    prevent inline styles injected by Tabify to overwrite ACF styles.

    There’s still the need to inspect if this could be enough or there’s any other compatibility issue especially concerning data.

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