

Forum Replies Created

  • As is always the way, after much previous confirming that there was in-fact an issue, I’ve come to work on the project this morning and it seems to be resolved.

    I have upgraded to 5.6.1 this morning, but reading through the updates I’m not sure that was the fix.

    As it stands, there is no longer a problem.

  • Upon further research, the problem originates with class-acf-field-oembed.php – function get_ajax_query()

    The Group Field key is passed through to acf_get_field which returns false.

    If you comment out:

    // load field
    $field = acf_get_field( $args['field_key'] );
    if( !$field ) return false;
    // prepare field to correct width and height
    $field = $this->prepare_field($field);

    and put in a temp array:

    $field = [
    'width' => 300,
    'height' => 280

    Then the oEmbed in a Group Field works correctly.

    So the issue is with acf_get_field not being able to handle a Group Field key.

  • Well I think if WP haven’t enabled the ability to use responsive images properly (their solution seems more like a RWD CSS media query solution) then disabling the built in functionality would be the only way to go.

    And adding the ACF image fields to the attachments seem an obvious and good place for them.

  • Yes, perhaps I’ll look into creating as a plugin – with field options to choose your own measurements and number of images.

    I’d certainly find a field plugin useful (so its reusable through Custom Field setups for different areas of a site) so I’ll put it in the backlog and share when done if peeps would find useful.

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  • Just wondering if people have yet considered how to setup ACF to use responsive images to their full intention/potential.

    By that I mean – different crops of images (or different images entirely) for different viewports (as opposed to just WP image sizes / auto crops).

    I’m thinking something like multiple ACF Image Fields (Mobile Image, Tablet Image, Desktop Image) – that have their own WP image size, and output a responsive image tag with the different sources.

    Anyone have other ideas?

    EDIT: see

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