

Forum Replies Created

  • @prebyter Nice! I love the Flex approach. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • I know this is an old thread, but just in case anyone else is hoping to achieve this UI effect, this is what I did:

    Most sites I build and manage include a custom WP Admin stylesheet. It’s really easy to add via the active theme’s functions.php. The stylesheet can be named anything you want, and placed anywhere in the theme directory:

    function admin_theme_style()
      wp_enqueue_style( 'admin-theme', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/path/to/wp-admin.css' );
    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'admin_theme_style');
    add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'admin_theme_style');

    And then in my admin stylesheet, I have the following style rule:

    /* ACF "half-repeater" class, display repeaters in horizontal columns */
    .half-repeater .acf-repeater tr.acf-row:not(.acf-clone)
        display: inline-block !important;
        width: 50% !important;
        .half-repeater .acf-repeater tr.acf-row:not(.acf-clone) td.acf-fields
            width: 100%;

    Obviously you need to add your custom class to the repeater field when you create it. In my example I gave my repeater the half-repeater class, and styled it accordingly. You could do 3 or 4 columns just as easily.

    This approach works for both “block” and “row” repeater display options, although I personally think it looks best with “block” display.

    Hope this helps someone else.


  • I do not have WPML installed, and I am also having the same issue.

    I’ve been manually exporting fields that I generate using the ACF UI on my local environment, to PHP, and committing that PHP file to the staging site.

    I wanted to start using the Local JSON feature to automate this process.

    All the JSON files were successfully created when I went through my local UI and clicked “update” for every fieldgroup. But when I committed the new acf-json directory to the staging server (and un-included the php custom fields), no fields were detected by ACF. None at all. But they’re all there in the acf-json directory…


    even when I hardcode the ACF fields via php, and use the ‘location’ settings, e.g.:

    ‘location’ => array (
    array (
    array (
    ‘param’ => ‘taxonomy_term’,
    ‘operator’ => ‘==’,
    ‘value’ => ‘video-category’,

    it still does not place the field/s on the taxonomy term edit screen in the admin.

    Please help!

  • I just noticed this as well after upgrading a couple days ago.

    This has broken the Taxonomy Term “Intro Content” field functionality of one of my sites. Please push a fix for this ASAP.

    +1,000,000 !!!

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