Woah, nevermind. I somehow deleted the index.php file from my theme, which I didn’t know WordPress needed to run an active theme (I thought a functions.php and other templates would suffice). Interesting to know this breaks ACF in funny ways. Anyway, fixed, but leaving this in case someone else has a similar issue!
Hi Elliot!
Yes, I am referring to field group sort order.
I don’t recall using the drag/drop, especially since this field was appearing at the top (I never would have dragged it there), but a couple question about that:
1) Is the drag/drop sort order stored in the user or a cookie? I had a client log in using the same username on a different PC and she was seeing the same thing.
2) If the drag/drop was used, is there a way to restore control to the sort order of ACF?
As a follow up, I disabled all plugins other than ACF and switched themes, same deal. I’ve also created entirely new fields (in case somehow they were corrupted the first time around) and sort order is having no effect. I have a field with a sort order of 01 and another with a sort order of 99, yet the latter is still appearing above the prior. 🙁