

Forum Replies Created

  • Great, thank you John. It did solved the issue.

  • @hube2 @jarvis Forget about my last message. I was able to solve my issue without using ajax.

    Since I have around 1200 products on my site, I just added ‘meta_key’ => ‘pdf_upload’, in the array to filter. It reduced the loading time, now the page load fast!

    Thanks for your help

    Revised code:

    <section class="post-content">
                    $args = array(
                      'posts_per_page' => -1,
                      'post_type' => 'product',
                      'orderby' => 'date',
                      'order' => 'DESC',
                      'paged' => $paged,
                      'meta_key'    => 'pdf_upload',  
                    $wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
                    if ($wp_query->have_posts()) :
                      while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();
                        $pdf_upload = get_field('pdf_upload');
                        if( $pdf_upload ): ?>
                          <li><a href="<?php echo $pdf_upload['url']; ?>"><?php echo $product->post->post_title; ?> </a></li>
                          <?php echo '<span class="date_published">Published on: ' .get_the_date('Y', $product->get_id()) . '</span>'; ?>
                        <?php endif;
  • It dosen’t seems to be working. It now show 3 links in <li>

    There is also a list of products name listed at the bottom of the page

    Just to let you know I did match the value in settings – reading- blog which is 12 for me 🙂

  • @jarvis I had to replace $ with jQuery, to solve this error: ‘Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function ‘

    Now, I am getting this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: ajax_posts is not defined

    It makes me think that I haven’t proprely enqued the script maybe?

    Also do I need to keep the theme twentytwentyone installed ?

  • @jarvis It work well, here is the modified code below…

    $args = array(
      'posts_per_page'  => -1,
      'post_type'     => 'product',
      'orderby'       => 'date',
      'order'         => 'DESC',  
      'paged'       => $paged,
      'fields'      => 'ids'      
    $wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if ($wp_query->have_posts()) :
      while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();
      $pdf_upload = get_field('pdf_upload');
      if( $pdf_upload ): ?>
           <li> <a href="<?php echo $pdf_upload['url']; ?>"><? echo $product->post->post_title; ?></a></li>
           <?php echo '<span class="date_published">Published on: ' . get_the_date('Y', $product->get_id()) . '</span>'; ?>
        <?php endif; 

    The page is indeed pretty slow, I will work on the Ajax now, I will keep this thread updated with the code.


  • Hi,

    I am trying to update a custom field ( in the woocommerce order page). Once the field is saved, I then change the status email to complete and send the number into the order completion email. using this code:

    // define the woocommerce_email_before_order_table callback 
    function action_woocommerce_email_before_order_table( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text, $email ) { 
        if (get_field('ACFFIELDNAME', $order->get_id())) { // Only show if field is filled
            <h3>Your number: <?php the_field('ACFFIELDNAME', $order->get_id()); ?></h3>
    // add the action 
    add_action('woocommerce_email_before_order_table', 'action_woocommerce_email_before_order_table', 10, 4 );
  • Hi,

    I created a custom field to add manually the tracking number in the woocommerce order page.

    The problem is that in order to work, I have to fill in the field, save the page, then I have to change the order to complete and resave the page.

    It’s like if the information entered in the field was not saved. Is there a way I can add a save button under my custom field? This could fix the issue.

    The information entered would be registered in the wordpress DB and then I could only switch the order status to complete, in order to send the tracking number to the client.

    Here is my code

    // define the woocommerce_email_before_order_table callback 
    function action_woocommerce_email_before_order_table( $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text, $email ) { 
        if (get_field('trackingnumberups', $order->get_id())) { // Only show if field is filled
            <h3>Your tracking number: <?php the_field('trackingnumberups', $order->get_id()); ?></h3>
            You may track your order with the number above, here: <a style="color: #0073aa;" href="">UPS Tracking</a> 
    // add the action 
    add_action('woocommerce_email_before_order_table', 'action_woocommerce_email_before_order_table', 10, 4 ); 
  • Hi zaehlpixel,

    I use the same code than you for my woocommerce store.

    The problem is that I have to add the DHL tracking code, hit save, then mark the order as complete and save again.

    If I just change the status to order complete, add the tracking number, hit save, it won’t include the tracking number in the order completion email.

    Have you experienced the same issue?

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