So far, so good – I’ll keep an eye on it!
In case anyone needs a quick, dirty fix: I added the following CSS block to the acf-global.css file to force show all of the respective ACF fields in the editor (less than ideal, but a temp fix).
.acf-postbox {
display: block !important;
If it makes any difference, it appears to be that any ACF fields that are shared across multiple pages will remain shown if I visit those pages one after the other. As soon as I visit a page that doesn’t have that same ACF field as the previous and I head right back to the previous page, the field becomes hidden.
@Jim Fitzsimons That appears to have fixed the issue I was having. Thanks a ton. Hopefully they rollout a fix soonish, but this works fine for now.
EDIT: Nevermind. The issue is still there.
@Harrison Good to know v5.1.9.1 fixed the issue for you. Where were you able to download that from?
Same issue here. Any idea on a future fix?
EDIT: FYI, I’m on 5.2.0.