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  • Ok I just got it working using this!

                    $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
                    $term_id = get_field('exercise_category') ;
                      $args = array (
                        'post_type'	=> 'exercise-database',
                        'tax_query'  =>  array(
                            'taxonomy' => 'exercise-categories',
                            'terms' => array($term_id),
                            'operator' => 'IN'
                        'pagination' => true,
                        'paged' => $paged,
                        'order' => 'DESC',
                <?php global $wp_query; $wp_query = new WP_Query( $args ); ?>
                        <?php if ($wp_query->have_posts()) : while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post(); ?>

    Looks like I needed to get the field and return as term_id. Im glad that works!
    Could you let me know why you advise not to use ‘global $wp_query’. I think the reason I am using that is something to do with the CPT, but I am all ears…

    Thanks John

  • Hi John,

    Yes I changed ‘your taxonomy here’ to ‘exercise-categories’ which is my Taxonomy.

    Then this is what I am getting confused on, the $term_id this is what I am trying to pull in from the ACF Taxonomy Field. So on my edit page I select the category I want to pull in lets say ‘Back’ which is a category inside the Taxonomy ‘Exercise-Categories’.

    How do I pull it in?


  • Hi John,
    I’m not sure if I’ve over complicated things here or not but I have tried your code above replaced the taxonomy name with my own taxonomy and have set on the ACF field, save and load terms to yes and I have return value set to Term ID but I just get a posts not found message. I have double checked that I have selected the correct category in the Taxonomy field on the edit page screen and double checked I have posts associated with that category but still shows posts not found.

    I tried returning post object, as well as a mixture of save and load terms…

    Little confused by your last message but again it may be me not explaining it correctly so I will do my best below to outline exactly what it is I am trying to achieve.

    I have a custom post type with custom taxonomies (categories and tags). This is all working correctly no problems here I can get them to display in a loop perfectly as well.

    This CPT is called ‘Exercise Database’, I then have 2 taxonomies associated with it:

    Exercise Categories
    Exercise Tags

    Inside Exercise Categories, I have created 10 different categories for different body parts. Chest, back, abs… and so on.

    I have also created a separate ‘Page Template’ called ‘Exercise Category Template’, this has nothing to do with necessary CPT files ‘single-‘, ‘archive-‘ and ‘taxononmy-‘. This is a theme based template that can be used on multiple pages via the add pages screen.

    The reason I need this page template is because: For each body part (category within the taxonomy) I need a separate page of information as well as the ability to only display exercises for that part of the body. I don’t want chest exercises on the back page. I only want to show the posts with the category of chest for the chest page.

    Hence my need for the custom loop because I need to pass the ‘back’ category from the custom taxonomy ‘Exercise Categories’ into the page that I have about back exercises. This is the same for each of the 10 pages.

    So I used the ‘Taxonomy’ ACF field so that I could hopefully insert the correct category back, chest or whichever one I needed into the loop and then the page only shows the posts from whichever category I have selected.

    Hopefully this will give you a thorough understanding of what I am trying to achieve, I am sorry I have only just started working with PHP but hopefully this will help!

    Thank you

  • Thanks John. I will try this in the morning and let you know.

    In regards to templates, what you have suggested is exactly what I’ve done and what I was avoiding was making more then one ‘page template’ file.

    When I refered to creating pages for the 10 categories I meant in the sense of adding 10 pages via the wp backend. I would then use the one page template I’ve created called ‘Exercise Category’ this page template would have the ‘Taxononmy’ field from ACF so I could link the two; page and the specific category loop together. Thus meaning I dont have to create 10 page templates and hard code the category into each loop on each page.

    I hope im making sense!

    Appreciate the help

  • Hi James,
    I solved it with a little tweak to your code, thanks for getting me pretty much there!

    <?php if( have_rows('factsheets') ): ?>
    	<div class="vc_row wpb_row vc_row-fluid dt-default" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; min-height: 0px;">
    		<?php while( have_rows('factsheets') ): the_row(); 
    					// vars
    					$factsheet_title = get_sub_field('factsheet_title');
    					$factsheet_pdf = get_sub_field('factsheet_pdf');
    			<div class="wpb_column vc_column_container vc_col-sm-3">
    				<div class="vc_column-inner ">
    					<div class="wpb_wrapper">
    						<a href="<?php echo $factsheet_pdf['url']; ?>"><img src="/pdf-logo.png" /></a>
    						<span><?php echo $factsheet_title; ?></span>
    	if( get_row_index() % 4 == 0  ){
    		// Close the div and open it again
    		echo '</div><div class="vc_row wpb_row vc_row-fluid dt-default" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; min-height: 0px;">';
    		<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • James, thank you for the help!

    This doesn’t produce exactly what I need, I have attached a screenshot from inspector that shows you what this produces so you can hopefully diagnose where the issue lies.

    As you can see it creates a new div to contain the columns but the div is without the classes that make it a row… Btw I added a / to the closing div as I assume that was needed?

    EDIT: The opening div and closing divs you added in don’t seem to do anything, when I take them out it still works the same way as above?

    Thanks James

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