Works with WP 5.5.3 too. Thank you all.
Same problem here, with WP 5.5.3 / ACF 5.9.2 / Classic Editor 1.6 (unset $_GET[‘preview’] works).
With acf javascript hooks, it’s now easy to save zoom.
All you have to do is to put in your admin JS :
;(function($) {
if ( typeof acf != 'undefined' ) {
// Save Google Map zoom
acf.add_action( 'google_map_init', function( map, marker, $field ) {
// Create input to save zoom
if ( $field.find( '.acf-hidden .input-zoom' ).length === 0 ) {
$field.find( '.acf-hidden' ).append( '<input name="acf['+$'key')+'][zoom]" value="'+$field.find('[data-zoom]').data('zoom')+'" class="input-zoom" type="hidden">' );
// Listen for zoom change
google.maps.event.addListener( map, 'zoom_changed', function( e ) {
this.$el.find('.input-zoom').val( this.getZoom() ).trigger('change');
} );
No need to code extra PHP.
I’m sure you can also easily save map type.
Same need here. It would be great if one day, ACF can do that.
Ok. Thank you. It’s done. Ticket submitted.
Hi. I know I can create own rule, this is very useful and I often use it. But why create something that already exists ? Is there any reason I don’t know that explains why ACF gets all children of a page as WP_Post objects only to see if there is one child ?
Your code works well, but in my case, it filled my php memory and broke my page.
I made some more tests and in my case, your location rule code runs only once and takes around 2.5 seconds (!)… with the code above it takes around 0.0010 second.
I think it can be a good improvement for all ACF users & lovers like me.
Thank you for your consideration.
If someone is looking for a solution, here’s how I did with bash script :
# get plugin path
acf_zip_file=”$(wp plugin path)/”
# get acf zip file
wget -O ${acf_zip_file} “<YOUR_KEY>”
# install & activate acf
wp plugin install ${acf_zip_file} –activate
# remove zip file
rm ${acf_zip_file}
Same problem here.
I think it’s related to Chrome :
It seems that the problem is linked to a custom filter I added to sanitize_title that doesn’t allow underscores and convert them to dashes.
The problem is that ACF checks for field key to be like “field_***” (function function acf_is_field_key() in api/api-field.php) ; so if the field key is “field-***”, it doesn’t work.
Another solution is to activate local JSON so your field key can be what you want. Just create a folder name acf-json on your theme folder and re-save your field group.
After some tests, I realize that in group fields, ACF create fields named “field_***” (used for post_name) but after saving post_name become “field-***”.
The reason is that wp_insert_post() (used for creating field) sanitize post_name with sanitize_title function (check wp-includes/post.php on line 3189).
To prevent this, I have to add a filter to return original post_name.
In advanced-custom-fields-pro/api/api-field.php, I add in function acf_update_field() on line 839 :
add_filter( 'sanitize_title', 'acf_update_field_sanitize_title', 100, 3 );
just before :
$field['ID'] = wp_insert_post( $save );
and remove that filter just after saving :
remove_filter( 'sanitize_title', 'acf_update_field_sanitize_title', 100 );
And after acf_update_field :
function acf_update_field_sanitize_title ( $title, $raw_title, $context ) {
return $raw_title;
It seems to work for me…
Note :
if you don’t want to alter ACF sources, you can add this to your functions.php :
function acf_update_field_sanitize_title ( $title, $raw_title, $context ) {
return $raw_title;
// add filter for sanitize_title
add_filter( 'acf/update_field', function ( $field ) {
add_filter( 'sanitize_title', 'acf_update_field_sanitize_title', 100, 3 );
return $field;
}, 10, 1 );
// remove filter for sanitize_title
add_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', function ( $slug, $post_ID, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent, $original_slug ) {
remove_filter( 'sanitize_title', 'acf_update_field_sanitize_title', 100 );
return $slug;
}, 10, 6 );
I had a similar problem, but it was not only on upgraded fields ; but also on new created fields ; nothing saved.
I found that it was the post_name which cause problem.
— post_excerpt is a readable slug
— post_name is a string starting with “field-”
If I change post_name to start with “field_” ; I was able to save my data.
I just run this SQL query and everything seems to work :
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_name = CONCAT( 'field_', SUBSTR( post_name, 7 ) ) WHERE post_type = "acf-field" && post_name LIKE "field-%"
Or you can prevent accidental change of the zoom when scrolling by disable this feature ; just add in the map options :
scrollwheel: false
Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve the latest version of ACF and you can set a initial zoom to a field, but when you fill your google map field, coordinates are saved but not the zoom.
The code above allows zoom to be saved.
To save zoom even when not modified, I made this little change :
In core/fields/google-map.php
I added in create_field :
$field['value'] = wp_parse_args($field['value'], array(
'address' => '',
'lat' => '',
'lng' => '',
'zoom' => $field['zoom']
For a project i need to save the zoom of a google map field.
So i do this :
In core/fields/google-map.php
I added in create_field :
$field['value'] = wp_parse_args($field['value'], array(
'address' => '',
'lat' => '',
'lng' => '',
'zoom' => ''
$keys = array(
'data-id' => 'id',
'data-lat' => 'center_lat',
'data-lng' => 'center_lng',
'data-zoom' => 'zoom'
And in js/input.js
// value exists?
var lat = this.$el.find('.input-lat').val(),
lng = this.$el.find('.input-lng').val(),
zoom = parseInt(this.$el.find('.input-zoom').val());
if( zoom )
google.maps.event.addListener(, 'zoom_changed', function( e ) {
// reference
var $el = this.$el;
var zoom = this.getZoom();
// update input
$el.find('.input-zoom').val( zoom ).trigger('change');
And it works.
Hope this help.
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