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Adding ACF blocks to a block template

  • Hiya

    I have been following the code examples on:

    To be able to add additional blocks to forma block template. Is there any way to integrate an ACF block into these templates?

    My code so far is:

    function my_add_template_to_posts() {
    	$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( 'page' );
    	$post_type_object->template = array(
    		array( 'core/paragraph', array(
    			'placeholder' => 'Add a root-level paragraph',
    		) ),
    		array( 'core/columns', array(), array(
    			array( 'core/column', array(), array(
    				array( 'core/image', array() ),
    			) ),
    			array( 'core/column', array(), array(
    				array( 'core/paragraph', array(
    					'placeholder' => 'Add a inner paragraph'
    				) ),
    			) ),
    		) )
    	$post_type_object->template_lock = 'all';
    add_action( 'init', 'my_add_template_to_posts' );

    But not sure how to reference a pre made ACF block?

    Any help would be grateful



  • Hi Tom,

    I was expirimenting with the same thing as i couldnt find information about this.

    But for example:

    First You create a custom block via acf_register_block:

    	'name'              => 'blockname',
    	'title'             => __('title'),
    	'description'       => __('description')

    Then you can take the name of the acf_block ‘blockname’ and use it as following in your post type template:

    	$post_type_object->template = array(
    		array( 'acf/blockname', array() ),		

    Note: If your blockname contains a space or a underscore, acf renames this to a dash, so ‘block_name’ becomes ‘block-name’.

    Hope this helps!

  • Taking this a bit further, is there a way to add default values in a template?

    In the wordpress documentation I see that you can add for some core blocks a placeholder.
    Is there a way to add default content in acf blocks when you define them in the block template?

  • I second kkoyan’s question. Adding Gutenberg template blocks where the ACF block contents are preselected would be appreciated.

  • +1

    I was expecting something like this to work, but computer says no …

    array( ‘acf/blockname’, array(
    ‘header’ => __( ‘You may also like’, ‘td’ ),
    ) ),

    where header is the name of the field.

  • +1

    It would be very nice to predefine values for blocks in templates.

  • +1

    It’d saves plenty of times, and give us the real power to use acf blocks as template

  • Hey Guys,

    This is possible already.

    Here is the post about it:

    And the code which helps you to make better experiences! : )
    The magic is that, you need to wrap them with a data []

    'template' => [
         ['acf/my-block', [
           'data' => [
            'field_name' => 'the value you want to see by default',

    I hope it helps you too as well!

    I’m stuck with repeater subfields now.
    Didn’t find a way to fill them yet.
    If any of you able to do that, don’t hesitate to write here about that. 😉


  • Wow, thanks for the tip @chrisdark! 😄

  • Agreed, three cheers to @ChrisDark for this. I searched high and low for this data[] tag to set my custom field values. I have to populated cloned field values…did you ever figure out how to tap into a subfield (which I suspect would use similar syntax)?

  • In case anyone is still looking for a solution to adding repeater fields as default template:

    $template = [
        ['acf/acf-block-name', [
            'data' => [
                'repeater_field_name_0_title' => 'Your title here',
                'repeater_field_name_0_text' => 'Your text here',
                'repeater_field_name_0_button' => [
                    'title' => 'Button title',
                    'url' => 'Button URL',
                    'target' => 'Button URL'
                'repeater_field_name' => 1,

    I hope this will help someone. 🙂

  • In addition to the solution I posted above, I came across the problem that the ACF blocks weren’t being stored properly. The ACF field ID’s are required to make sure the entire template is correctly saved into the DB.

    $template = [
        ['acf/acf-block-name', [
            'data' => [
                'repeater_field_name_0_title' => 'Your title here',
                '_repeater_field_name_0_title' => 'field_abc1234567890',
                'repeater_field_name_0_text' => 'Your text here',
                '_repeater_field_name_0_text' => 'field_abc1234567890',
                'repeater_field_name_0_button' => [
                    'title' => 'Button title',
                    'url' => 'Button URL',
                    'target' => 'Button URL'
                '_repeater_field_name_0_button' => 'field_abc1234567890',
                'repeater_field_name' => 1, // the number of set repeater fields
                '_repeater_field_name' => 'field_abc1234567890'
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