

Forum Replies Created

  • This seems to be the answer across multiple topic in acf forums ;(

    Say we want to add an ID – its easy to attach a field
    into the link dialog box. But the data isn’t being saved
    with acf.


    <div className=”flex flex-row”>
    <label htmlFor=”wpse_link_class col-6″>
    <span>Button Type</span>
    <select name=”wpse-link-class” id=”wpse_link_class”>
    <option value=”normal”>normal</option>
    <option value=”btn btn-yellow”>Yellow button</option>
    <option value=”btn btn-yellow btn-lg”>Yellow button (big)</option>
    <option value=”btn btn-outline”>Outline button</option>
    <option value=”btn btn-outline btn-lg”>Outline button (big)</option>
    <label for=”sgx_custom_link_id”>
    <span>Link ID</span>
    <input type=”text” name=”sgx_custom_link_id” id=”sgx_custom_link_id” />

    wpLink.getAttrs = function() {
    return {
    class: $( ‘#wpse_link_class’ ).val(),
    href: $.trim( $( ‘#wp-link-url’ ).val() ),
    target: $( ‘#wp-link-target’ ).prop( ‘checked’ ) ? ‘_blank’ : ”,
    id: $( ‘#sgx_custom_link_id’ ).val() // this doesn’t work.

  • This is an issue that drove my crazy twice. took me a second to remember,
    the thing is that some type of widget structure is the problem

    i have to change 2 things.

    1. your right. we must return an array inside the update
    2. we need to register the widget inside the __construct() (which is inside the class)

    // construct inside the class

        public function __construct() {
            $widget_ops = array(
                'classname' => 'cmenu_widget',
                'description' => 'Custom menu widget built with ACF Pro',
            parent::__construct( 'acf_cmenu_widget', 'ACF Custom Menu Widget', $widget_ops );
            add_action( 'widgets_init', function() {
                register_widget( 'AcfCMenuWIdget' );

    and after that class just call it like so
    $someClassVar = new someClassName();

  • OMG thank you man (Really!) appreciate you ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
    i spent 2 days on this shit.

    ACF staff should really show a popup / a quick post notifying in such cases
    we are wasting a lot of time and grow white hairs trying to track such things

  • No advance on that issue?
    i tried this

        add_filter('acf/prepare_field/type=tab', 'sagive_validate_extra_tabclass', 10);
        function sagive_validate_extra_tabclass( $field ){
            if( !empty($field['tabclass']) ) {
                $field['class']             = 'some-class';
                $field['wrapper']['class']  = 'some-class';
            return $field;

    Doesnt work (at least on the tab element)… which is where i need it.

  • The parent is not related… its the group. So u’ might mean making that cloned a group inside the element. But that’s a given and not the solution.

    Anyhow thanks. I guess there is no solution.
    acf should save the ref for the original field but I guess its
    an optimization issue or something.

    Maybe I would find a way to auto-tick that save as a group so as to at least have a better flow when working.

  • I would love to do that (only change the display) – that’s even easier.
    However… as it seems (example:
    the information meaning the original field label isn’t included in the
    cloned field data. is there another hook/filter way to do this?

    If you think about it
    making a global field which u can use across page templates / locations
    needs a ‘relative to location’ title… so this is not a weird idea.

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