

Forum Replies Created

  • I just solved it myself:

    Because of the animation that happens on the removal of a repeater row, there is a 250ms delay before the values are removed.

    by using .on('remove', function()) from jquery-ui the problem is gone.

    here is my working code:

    $j("." + currenttab + i).on("remove", function () {

    Thank you for your help!

  • This is how I fixed the problem:
    I used the init hook to load in acf_form_head() like so:

    function form_head() {
      if (!is_admin()) {
    add_action('init', 'form_head');

    At first I used the init hook without the is_admin check, this caused that acf_form_head to load twice/post twice.

    The solution is to use the init hook with is_admin() to prevent it loading twice.

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