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acf_form() remove action, value of field only available with setTimeout

  • I’m using the javascript remove action on a front end form to try to trigger a function that recalculates a sum of values from multiple fields. As you can see in the following code:

    acf.add_action('remove', function($el) {
        if (!$el.prevObject.hasClass("acf-clone")) {
          var currenttab = $el.parents('.acf-field-repeater').attr('data-name');

    This function cannot get the values from the fields which are needed to calculate the subtotal.
    Only when using a setTimeout, calculate_subtotal() can get the values.

    acf.add_action('remove', function($el) {
        if (!$el.prevObject.hasClass("acf-clone")) {
          var currenttab = $el.parents('.acf-field-repeater').attr('data-name');
          }, 275);

    Any idea why this might be happening?

  • It might help to know what’s in calculate_subtotal()

    Also, what is the result of the calculation done in the first case? Is it not working or is it still adding the value of the row being removed?

  • I just solved it myself:

    Because of the animation that happens on the removal of a repeater row, there is a 250ms delay before the values are removed.

    by using .on('remove', function()) from jquery-ui the problem is gone.

    here is my working code:

    $j("." + currenttab + i).on("remove", function () {

    Thank you for your help!

  • I was going to say that most likely the field hasn’t been removed completely yet. I had a similar problem with building a JS app to modify repeater rows. It would delete the existing rows and then add new ones. The problem was that I was adding new rows and attempting to add values before the existing rows were actually removed which cause the removed of the values that were just added.

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