Coming back to this and still having trouble… This is my current code:
$author_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' );
$field_name = get_field("cbr7_review_total", $author_id);
$value = get_field('$cbr7_review_number', $post->ID);
update_field( $field_name, $value, $author_id);
This helped! Now I am trying the acf/update_value.
This is the code I have in my functions file:
///field update
$field_name = "cbr6_review_total";
$value = get_field($cbr6_review_number);
update_field( $field_name, $value );
But it doesn’t update the review total field (the user field) with the number from the review number field (on the post)
Can the review number custom field that I have now update the user field? Or must they log into their profile to update it.
Thanks for the help. I’ve uploaded screenshots here:
The review number I am showing on the book review itself, see last screenshot, but I would like to use it in other ways.
1 – to show who’s in first place so far in the “race”. So what is the highest number in that field, and who is that author. (1st, 2nd, 3rd would be good too)
2 – to show all of the authors alphabetically with their highest review number next to them.
3 – to show all of the authors listed in order by highest review number.