

Forum Replies Created

  • After a more thorough test period:

    Updating (editing) an AFC field is a two step process:

    1) Edit the content of a field to include shortcode and update will result in the field to display your input converted to html (divs…) – code appears in preview

    2) Hit update a second time and preview (including actual results) will show the desired results (BUT NOT ALL).

    To demonstrate this here’s a screenshot of how the shortcode turns out when posted to the standard post field followed by one with the shortcode posted to an ACF field:

    reg. blog post field:

    ACF field:


  • Yes it sounds like a caching thing but can’t be. No caching whatsoever.

    The 850 entries refer to the number of blog post containing acf fields that I will have to edit.

    I lost you on the third paragraph.
    As part of a regular wp post, I have 2 AFC fields set up in the admin panel edit post. One is a multiple choice field the other is holding two content parts Ingredients and Instructions. They were set up this way by a developer.
    I fill in the content surrounded by the shortcode and hit publish.
    Then everything works fine.

    However I have 850 post inclusive of AFC fields, which need be edited und re-published (updated). This doesn’t work to all I know.
    But I gladly try a couple more to be sure. With other pressing client work pending, I can get back early tomorrow.

    Thank you

  • Exactly, you are spot on.

    No cache in place whatsoever.

  • I tested the possible variations, here’s what I got

    Both combinations are working:
    1) With AFC set to textfield and html tags conversion.
    2) With AFC set to textfield and carriage return conversion to <br />.

    3) AFC set to WYSIWYG Editor in any combination not working.

    What works only works with a new blog post set up.
    It is not working when the AFC fields simply get updated after the field setting is changed to reflect the the right setting (1&2).

    Anything I can do to get 850 entries to work upon editing and updating?

  • Well than k your very much John.

    How am I getting the value of the ACF field to display on my pages? No sure if I understand:

    Same as through a blog entry only its an AFC field entry…

  • Version 4.4.11

    I switched both, the Acf field and the coding to “textarea” – did not work
    Keeping it at Wysiwyg editor and trying wysiwyg – didn’t work

    I am reading through the documentary on the look out for further options.

  • Right again, John

    The field I am trying to add the shortcode to is defined as WYSIWYG Editor (German translation). Want me to replace “textarea” with “wysiwyg editor” (or look up the correct english expression.

    Thank you again.

  • Almost there, thank you John!

    Following your link, I plugged the code into the client’s child theme functions.php:

    function my_acf_format_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {

    // run do_shortcode on all textarea values
    $value = do_shortcode($value);

    // return
    return $value;

    add_filter(‘acf/format_value/type=textarea’, ‘my_acf_format_value’, 10, 3);

    What am I missing?
    Here’s the result with no change:

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