

Forum Replies Created

  • I tried to add the add_filter( ‘should_load_separate_core_block_assets’, ‘__return_true’ ); in function.php but it’s breaking the website

  • Oh interesting,
    Could you just give me the complete code with the add filter with my example ?

  • Hi, thanks for the answer 🙂

    Yes that’s I tried to do

    But the problem, is my content is not an ACF field it just simple content from gutenberg

    I made a easy function in JQuery to list all the title in the page, that’s working on the console but I don’t now how to displey them in the select field from ACF

  • I thought doing something like this

    function acf_load_titles_field_choices( $field ) {
        wp_enqueue_script('summary', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/js/summary.js', array(), '1.0.0', 'true' );
    add_filter('acf/load_field/id=field_6218bb3d7551a', 'acf_load_titles_field_choices');

    But of course it doesn’t work

  • Thank you, I will try another approch 🙂

  • Thank you

    Yes it’s an ACF Gutenberg block, so that’s why it doesn’t work 🙂

  • Thanks for the answer 🙂

    Yes it is, I just checked

    Just move my fields into another group but same problem.
    This is the new code in footer.php:

    <?php $postID = get_the_ID();
    $parametres = get_field('parametres', $postID);
    $imageSliderOpacity = $parametres['opacity']; 
    $imageSliderSpeed = $parametres['slider_speed'];
    echo $imageSliderOpacity; // returning nothing
    echo $postID; // returning 260 it's the correct post ID
    		slidesToShow: 1,
    		slidesToScroll: 1,
    		dots: true,
    		arrows: false,
    		focusOnSelect: true,
    		fade: true,
    		autoplay: true
    		var opacitySlider = '<?php echo $imageSliderOpacity ?>';
    		$('.slick-track').css( "opacity", opacitySlider);

    In my template block the same values (without the postID in the get_field) are working, but not in the footer.
    Can we use may be the key block in the get_field rather than post id, if yes how ?

  • Solved,
    I had a bug, by desactivate and activate ACF, it’s working well now.

  • thanks 🙂 it’s working

    the final code:

     while ( have_rows('reseaux-sociaux', 'option') ) : the_row(); 
    		   	 echo '<ul>';
    					foreach ($fields as $sub_field) {	
    						$field = get_sub_field_object($sub_field);
    						$lien = $field['value'];
    						$image =  $field['label'];
    						if ($field['value']){
    						echo '<li><a href="'.$lien.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.get_stylesheet_directory_uri().' /imgs/icons/social/rondes/pleines/' . $image. '-icon.svg"></a></li>';
    				echo '</ul>';
  • Hello John

    Have you tested something to resolve it ?

  • So I have some difficulties with ajax. With a developper friend, we did like this and it’s working.

    So if someone have the same problem, we did it like this:

    I made a php file “parametres-template-css.php” wich calling acf fields and use:

    if( have_rows('repeater', 'option') ):					
    	while( have_rows('repeater', 'option')): the_row(); 
    		$FieldColor = get_sub_field('color'); 			

    the first problem was I used the_sub_field and not get_subfield

    I made my css-php “styles-css.php” file including “parametres-template-css.php” like this:

    <?php require( 'parametres-template-css.php'); ?>
    <?php /* ---------------- TITLE ----------------  */ ?>
    	h1{ color:  <?php echo $h1titleColor ; ?>;}

    and I included this file in my headers

    <style><?php include("inc/template/css-template/styles-css.php"); ?></style>

  • Thanks but it’s displaying all the fields in reseaux-sociaux even if they are empty

  • Oh thanks,

    So the inline is not the solution in my opinion…

    I may add the script with admin-ajax

    it’s not really about ACF but have you an exemple for the ajax way ?

  • hi thank you for your answer 🙂

    Actually I’m making a generic personnal template with customization from the backend; something like in the premium themes.

    So I made a “theme apearance options page”. I added fields like “h1 title” as repeater and “colors, fonts…” as subfields.

    I made a specific css for my “customization theme” but to display the ACF fields I’m using a php file enqueued as stylesheet.
    When I’m enter the value like “$color =’#fff'” and echo it on the css tag it’s working.

    So I think my problem is ACF doesn’t knows which fields i’m calling from this file and I need create a function with an add_action. But may be i’m wrong …

    But I don’t know how resolve it

  • thanks it’s working 🙂

  • Thank you, but it’s not working

    $category = get_the_category();
    $name= $category[0]->name;
    $slug= $category[0]->slug;
    $id = $category[0]->cat_ID;
    $sous_titre = get_field('sous_titre_categorie',  $category );
    <div class="block-site title-cat" id="block-Apropos">
    				<h1><?php echo $name ?><br/>
    				<span> <?php echo $sous_titre ?></span>
  • thanks 🙂

    and to display it, we use:

     $category = get_the_category();
     $catID= $category->ID;
    get_field('subtitle_cat',  $catID ) ?>

    be cause it’s not working…

  • thank you for your answer :),

    But it doesn’t return what I wish. I just edit my code to explain precisly; may be it will be cleaner:

    <?php if (have_rows('formule')) {
    					  while (have_rows('formule')) {
    						echo '<br />';
    						$value = get_sub_field('prix_de_la_formule');
    						$count = count($value); // count number of values in the page
    						if ($count = 1) {
    						  echo $value; // get the value
    						elseif  ($count > 1) {
    						  echo 'from .$lowestValue. to .$hightestValue' ;  // get "the lowest value"
    					  }  // end while have rows
    					} // end if have_rows ?>

    It’s not working of course.
    With this one “$value” return a loop repeating the only one value, it’s not what I want.

    For lowest and hightest value, it’s not the same prices all the time (depends formula), so I wish make something picking up the values (in table mabe be ?) and compare all of them to display lowest and hightest from the results

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