I solved it. I went back and deleted the “brand” field, and recreated a “manufacture” field. then just copy&paste everything in there. then it works! really wield.

I var_dump the object:
$field = get_field_object('brand');
And below is what I have got, the value is herman jansen: HERMAN JANSEN, that’s what showed up on my front end every time, what code should I use to only show “HERMAN JANSEN”?
array(17) {
["key"]=> string(19) "field_533221abdb3be"
["label"]=> string(5) "Brand"
["name"]=> string(5) "brand"
["_name"]=> string(5) "brand"
["type"]=> string(6) "select"
["order_no"]=> int(3)
["instructions"]=> string(0) ""
["required"]=> int(0)
["id"]=> string(15) "acf-field-brand"
["class"]=> string(6) "select"
["conditional_logic"]=> array(3) {
["status"]=> int(0)
["rules"]=> array(1) {
[0]=> array(2) {
["field"]=> string(4) "null"
["operator"]=> string(2) "==" } }
["allorany"]=> string(3) "all" }
["choices"]=> array(4) {
["BOLS"]=> string(4) "BOLS"
["WARNICKS"]=> string(9) "WARNICK'S"
["CARLTON BLACK"]=> string(13) "CARLTON BLACK" }
["default_value"]=> string(0) ""
["allow_null"]=> int(0)
["multiple"]=> int(0)
["field_group"]=> int(140)
["value"]=> string(28) "herman jansen: HERMAN JANSEN" }