

Forum Replies Created

  • Hi @lucasluciano !

    I’m not sure it is an ACF matter. What I would do in your case is:

    • Create a Custom Post Type Book
    • Create a taxonomy Bookstore
    • Create a taxonomy Author

    It’s the WordPress way to do this. No need to use Relationship Field.

    Hope it helps.

  • OK so you really have an issue, it is not the expected behaviour.

    Maybe you could delete all the fields in the prod environment, and try to re-sync all fields to see what happen?

  • I’ve already seen this kind of issue when someone edit the field group in the prod environment then save it. If in the json file, the modified field differs, it can prevent the update to be done.

    Can you try to test with another field:

        Add it in the dev
        Push it in prod
        Delete it in dev
        Push it prod

    Maybe you just have the issue with that particular field.

    You can also have a look at your json files and be sure that the field group you excpected to be deleted is really not in the json folder.

  • Can’t you just delete it manually?
    Will it comme back?

  • Hi Johan,

    To be sure, do you have an acf-json folder in your theme?
    If it’s the case, are you sure that the json files in this folder are the same in your dev and prod environment?

    Normally, if the json file is deleted in this folder, it’s also deleted in the back-office, even without sync.

    Let me know.

  • I’ve seen this option, thank you. But this way, I can’t remove the default block in pages.

    I’ve found this post which can be the solution:

    But I have to list manually all of the block I want to use for each post type: can not exclude a whole category…

    add_filter( 'allowed_block_types', 'mlp_welcoop_allowed_block_types', 10, 2 );
    function mlp_welcoop_allowed_block_types( $allowed_blocks, $post ) {
    	if( $post->post_type === 'post' ) {
    		$allowed_blocks = array(
    	} else {
    		$allowed_blocks = array(
    	return $allowed_blocks;
  • Hi @captain_yar , thank you very much for your help.
    Effectively, when I merge all the block categories, it works.

    Unfortunately, my goal is to have different categories for pages and posts. I use Gutenberg for building full width sections in pages, but want to use standard blocks (with a few customs) for posts.

    Regarding your error, is it a javascript message?

    By my side i have this kind of javascript error when i’m editing a post:
    The block "core/quote" must have a registered category.

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