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  • Thank you, John. That was definitely the case. The plugin causing the problem is called “Classic Editor”. Nothing was coming up in console, but after deactivating that plugin everything is working as it should I believe. Since using the new WordPress editor, Gutenberg, isn’t really an option for me, I guess I’ll just deal with it for now. Thank you for your help 🙂

  • Hey,

    Alright, so I’m happy to announce I’ve figured out the problem, and embarrassed to say it was all my fault, haha.

    In functions.php I had a function set using pre get posts when a user performed a search query, allowing them to only return “movie” post types. I thought this was only affecting the front end, but it was actually affecting the entire site, backend and all. Once, I tweaked that code to basically only pre get posts for front end search queries, everything works as it should.

    Stupid mistake on my part. But very happy to have this finally resolved.

  • My issue wasn’t fixed in the latest update (5.2.3). So, to explain a little more… On the same page to add a post (movie), there are two tabbed areas, one for Trailers and another for Actors. Each uses the repeater field with relational fields within (as seen in the attached images). The one for Actors works the way it should, but the one for Trailers doesn’t search properly as described in the original post.

    Anyone have anything that might help me out?

  • Hi James,

    Not that I’m aware of. It was working just fine a few weeks ago, and then this happened. Other fields being used the exact same way on other post types / taxonomies are working just fine as well. Can’t seem to figure out why this one field would be having this problem.

  • To add to this and maybe help the process of solving the problem… I have noticed that it doesn’t happen for my custom taxonomies (at least it appears to not be happening anyway). From what I have seen, it only happens for fields created for Categories.

    If it starts happening to my custom taxonomies I’ll definitely post an update here.

    And, no replies yet? 2 months later?? Weird, hehe. Here’s hoping a solution is coming in the near future.

  • Ah. I figured it out. I was trying to display the checkbox values from a custom taxonomy on the taxonomy page. My code ended up looking like this.

    $queried_object = get_queried_object();
    $Skills = get_field('skills', $queried_object);
    echo implode(', ', $Skills);

    Haha man, that was driving me crazy.

  • I’m having the same problem. I’m using the documented code (which, I mean, it’s documented, shouldn’t it just work?). Returning the same error as aaron. All I want to do is return all checked checkbox values in an array, and comma separate them. Is that not what the documented code is supposed to do? Some help with this would be great.

    The documented code that doesn’t work.
    <?php echo implode(', ', get_field('field_name')); ?>

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