

Forum Replies Created

  • For anyone where $'key') is invalid, the following code worked for me.

    The main difference is that you’re targeting $field[0]['dataset']['key'].

    // Set the default color palette for certain fields
    function set_acf_color_picker_default_palettes() {
    let setDefaultPalette = function() {
        acf.add_filter('color_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
            // Find the field key
            let targetFieldKey = $field[0]['dataset']['key'];
            // Set color options for the field
            // if field is accordion_icon_background_color
            if ( 'field_60d621b2f0e04' === targetFieldKey ) {
                args.palettes = [ '#999', '#ae241a', '#004990' ];
            // Return
            return args;
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'set_acf_color_picker_default_palettes');
  • Thank you, John. I appreciate your advice.

    You made excellent points here.

  • Thanks, John. I hadn’t thought of that.

    What do you think the advantages would be if we loop through posts of a custom post type, rather then looping through repeater fields?

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