

Forum Replies Created

  • All right!!! Got it, I’m using acf_form array(),
    in post_id => get_the_ID(). In case someone needs something like this:

             'post_id' => get_the_ID(),
             'field_groups' => array(xxx,xxx), // Used ID of the field groups here.
             'post_title' => false, // This will show the title filed
             'post_content' => false, // This will show the content field
             'author' => $current_user->ID,
             'form' => true,
            'submit_value'  => 'Update the post!'

    Thank you!!

  • All done, I had this <?php $author_id = get_the_author_meta(‘ID’); ?>, lost in the middle of the page. I moved to the top and everything is back to normal.


  • I needed an option for display content wether empty or not, and then the conditionals for rows, so for all of them I’ve included ” ‘user_’.$author_id ” :

    <?php $festa = get_field('musicians_events', 'user_'.$author_id); ?>

    Then I called the variable :


    The same for rows:
    <?php if( have_rows('musicians_events', 'user_'.$author_id)): // check for repeater fields ?>

    <?php while ( have_rows('musicians_events', 'user_'.$author_id)) : the_row(); // loop through the repeater fields ?>

    Now everything is working fine!!

    Thank you!!



  • I got it Working!! Thank you very much!

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