Hello guys, me again!!!
Sorry for this one, it seems to be simple, but now it’s url field causing problem.
There is no way yo get this working, I have it already in another page and it works fine, but I don’t what is happening.
It’s a user page, a frontend form to output a Soundcloud playlist.
$playlist = get_field('user_playlist', 'user_'. $author_id );
<div plangular="<?php echo $playlist; ?>">
I’ve tried to echo the variable somewhere else on the page to be sure that it’s not an app error from plangular, but still does not work !
Thank you !
If you echo $playlist what does it return ?
All done, I had this <?php $author_id = get_the_author_meta(‘ID’); ?>, lost in the middle of the page. I moved to the top and everything is back to normal.
Why not define it like this then ?
$playlist = get_field('user_playlist', 'user_'. get_the_author_meta('ID') );
So you won’t ‘lose’ stuff 🙂