

Forum Replies Created

  • So I was able to fix the problem. However How can I hide filed that have as value NO?

    Now the one with YES are rendered, but the one with NO generate empty white spaces

  • When I do that I get a syntax error.

    This is what I wrote

    <?php $value = get_field('doors'); ?>
    <?php if ($value == 'YES') ?>
    <div class="feature">With doors</div>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • Now seems to work. Do I need to re-save all my posts again manually in order to have this rules applied?

    May I add something to my question? Maybe it explain better my issue:

    I am getting those posts in my CPT from somewhere (is an external software). The posts are automatically saved in WP with a title that looks like: title-one-2345

    Is it possible to apply the rule you proved above automatically?

  • When I add this to my functions.php (I am using a Child theme) I get an error.

    In the specific the error says syntax error, unexpected '=' ... on linke 54

    On that line there is this

    $post->post-title = $title;

    BTW: I would like that all the posts are saved with the Value in the “title” field

  • You are attempting to use ACF to get a field that is not an ACF field. The only reason that it works at all is that it is a simple text field.

    Since this is not an ACF field then you need to use get_post_meta() and you need to test the value to see if it is yes or no

    $value = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'doors', true);
    if ($value == 'YES') 
      ?><div class="feature">With doors</div><?php 

    I will test this, thanks :). BTW, what do you men is not an ACF field?

    I am using ACF to create the Text field called Doors …

  • Is placed someplace in the page outside the loop

    <!-- intro -->
    <div class="intro intro-home" id="intro-home">
    	<div class="container bloc-lg bloc-md-lg">
    		<div class="row align-items-start">
    			<div class="col-sm-4 col col-360">
    				<img />/img/lazyload-ph.png" data-src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/img/placeholder-image.png" class="img-fluid mx-auto d-block lazyload" alt="placeholder image" />
    			<div class="col-sm-8 col">
    				<h1 class="mg-md btn-resize-mode h1-style">
    					<?php the_field( 'headline' ); ?>
    <!-- intro END -->
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