Home › Forums › Front-end Issues › Display images from url in Text field
I am building a Carousel that displays images that are loaded on a separate folder on the server and not into the WP Media gallery.
The images are store in ACF in a Text filed, something like https://www.domain.com/assetts/images/image-1.jpg
How can I display the images in the carousel, using my code? What I get at the moment s nothing, just a Carousel without images
//code to display the banners
//check that the page has banners
if( have_rows('images') ):
//count the number of banners
$count = count(get_field('images'));?>
<div id="banner-carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
//add the indicators only if there is more than one banner
if ($count > 1) {?>
<?php $i=0; ?>
<?php while ($i < $count) { ?>
<li data-target="#banner-carousel" data-slide-to="<?php echo $i; ?>" class="<?php if ($i == 0) {echo'active';} ?>"></li>
<?php $i++; } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php //loop through all the banners ?>
<?php $i=0; ?>
<div class="carousel-inner">
<?php while( have_rows('images') ): the_row();
//get the banner variables.
$images = get_sub_field('image');
<div style="background: url('<?php echo $image['url']; ?>') no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;" class="carousel-item <?php if ($i == 0) {echo'active';} ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row carousel-mieten">
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php if ($count > 1) {?>
<a href="#banner-carousel">
<span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<a href="#banner-carousel">
<span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif;
Not sure if this will cause your issue, but the first think to change is that you need to get the repeater before you use have_rows().
$images = get_field('images');
if (!empty($images)) {
$count = count($images);
if (have_row('images')) {
// your code continues
The next issue is that you are attempting to use a text field like an image field. A text field only returns the value entered into it
$image = get_sub_field('image');
..... background: url('<?php echo $image; ?>') ...
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