Hi Simov,
Find my code. Not sur it’s the cleanest way but it works.
I use ‘specials’ CPT and i want display them only is the date is valid.
$datedeb = get_field('debut-promo', false, false);
$datefin = get_field('fin-promo', false, false);
$today = strtotime(date('Ymd'));
$promoend = strtotime($datefin);
$datedeb = new DateTime($datedeb);
$datefin = new DateTime($datefin);
<?php if ($promoend >=$today): ?>
// your code here
<?php endif; ?>
Hope that will help you.
Thanks. I was using a wrong date format.
$today = strtotime(date('Ymd'));
$promoend = strtotime($datefin);
Perfectly works like this. just have to compare $today and $promoend
Hi John and thanks for helping.
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