

Forum Replies Created

  • I’m so sorry for wasting your time. I failed to include the wp_footer() in my template. Thanks for your help.

  • I dont see any errors, but Im thinking it might have to do with the ACF jquery ui and whatnot not being loaded on the front end? Is that a possibility? I mention that, because I had loaded an additional acf_form for a slideout menu that had “Global Options” and the color picker only shows a text box, not gui.

  • Hi James,
    Thanks for your reply. It’s funny you say that, because it seems that even when I’m in cogito mode (logged out) I seem to be able to still edit the form front end. I will just post the code in a little bit.

  • Perhaps Im missing something in that documentation, but if i create a group for my css and have it located on everypage, wont that data be different each time?

  • No, the backend. Sorry, should have been more specific. It would be a convenience while creating pages on the back end.

  • The above template has nested repeater fields.
    I can create sections, which contains rows,which contains columns, with content.

  • @daron, how would I implement this in my template?
    Here’s my template code:

    // check if the repeater field has rows of data
    if( have_rows('sections') ):
       				while ( have_rows('sections') ) : the_row();
    				//OPEN SECTION
    				echo '<section id="' . get_sub_field('section_id') . '">';
    					echo '<div class="container">';
    						if( have_rows('rows') ):
       							while ( have_rows('rows') ) : the_row();
    								//OPEN ROW
    								echo '<div class="row" id="' . get_sub_field("row_id") . '">';
    									if( have_rows('columns') ):
    										// loop through the rows of data
    										while ( have_rows('columns') ) : the_row();
    											//OPEN COLUMN
    											echo '<div ';
    											echo ' class="'. get_sub_field("column_classes") .'" id="'. get_sub_field("column_id") .'">';
    													echo get_sub_field("column_content");
    											// Close Column	
    											echo '</div>';
    							// Close Row
    							echo '</div>';
    						//CLose Container
    					echo '</div>';
    				echo '</section>';
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