

Forum Replies Created

  • The error occurs for a specific post type used by the theme: slideshow. It also occurs only for a specific role: author (or at least for sub-admin). The theme developer has tested it on their end and cannot duplicate this problem. I have tracked down the code in the theme that also generates the “wp is not defined” error, as noted above, and it’s in their media frame code, so that seems to be why the media frame doesn’t appear when users of author role (my students) click the media buttons on this custom post type. They suggested it was a conflict with another plugin, and since I see the same error in ACF and for author role only I figured this would be the reason. (But perhaps it’s not a big deal on the ACF side?) I can take your recommendation to the theme developer, but any further insights based on this info welcome! Btw, ACF is a great plugin, and is central to how we deploy WP in a learning environment.

  • Btw, the error triggered in the Striking code also says “wp is not defined,” and is relative to this media frame js code in the Striking plugin theme:

    file_frame = ={

  • Are you looking at input.js or input.min.js? The latter is the one indicated in debugger, though I realize it’s simply the minified version of the file you indicate. You’re right, though, so not sure what’s up. I’ll append a bit more of the minified code below. Btw, my ACF interface definitely says “Advanced Custom Fields 4.2.2”!


    Jim P.

    this.frame.dispose();this.frame=null},type:function(){var e="thickbox";typeof wp=="object"&&(e="backbone");return e},init:function(){var;t.orig_render=t.render;t.orig_dispose=t.dispose;t.className="compat-item acf_postbox no_box";t.render=function(){var t=this;if(t.ignore_render)return this;this.orig_render();

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