

Forum Replies Created

  • For anyone struggling with this, post WP 3.9 you’ll have to do this:

    add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', function( $settings ){
    	$settings['block_formats'] = 'Paragraph=p;Heading=h2;Subheading=h3';
    	return $settings;
    } );
  • This doesn’t seem to work for ACF WYSIWYG’s – is there another solution?

  • If none of the radio buttons have a checked value the initial state of all will be deselected, until the user interacts with one. I think this would be the expected behaviour in this situation. This can be useful to ensure that a user actually considers their choice or when the question of which option is default is socially loaded – such as gender or sexual orientation. I don’t really get how making it required changes anything in the current setup either – there’s no other choice but to make a selection.

    Great plugin btw and thanks for the support!

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