I just want to thank you because your code helped me a lot! Best regards.
OK, combining that with
add_action('admin_head', 'admin_styles');
function admin_styles() {
.acf-editor-wrap iframe {
min-height: 0;
(in functions.php) solved it. (found it on this thread https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/how-to-set-a-custom-height-for-wysiwyg/)
@sheriffderek @silverdarling : @jgregory ‘s code is added with this technique: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/adding-custom-javascript-fields/
But I’m still getting a 200px height component, although I set it to 100px 🙁
I’ve done last night something very similar to this, a custom hierarchical taxonomy for med. anal. cat.; then created promos as a cpt, using same taxonomy, and a relationship with a hospital ctp; only thing different is that there, in promo, I linked through another relationship to a lab test cpt (every promo has one lab test related; and a lab has many promos, depending on the hospital). But I’m affraid of the performance, because I will use a lot of queries 🙁
me too, a colorpicker with rgba option would be great!
This saved me hours! thx!
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