

Forum Replies Created

  • Hi Gummi

    Thanks for your continued help.

    I was having an issue with old data from the third party remote database still hanging about in the database even though I had removed it from third party database. This seems to however have been because there was no null value. So it looks like your suggestion may be working! 🙂

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Gummi

    Thanks for your response.

    That looks like you are just populating the key value pairs – I know how to do that. What is happening is that when I do what you have suggested it doesn’t seem clear the old values first. I wanted to know if there is a way to “flush”/”clear” the values first?

    Thanks again.

  • I believe there would be no point in my turning debug on as the wonderful plugin and its scripts appear to be working since I flushed the browser cache(s).

    I also do not see any js errors in the developer’s tool console of Chrome.

    Perhaps it will help to try and force the plugin to download the latest version of the script with a version number change?

    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Hi Precision Creations – My version of ACF Pro updated automatically to v5.3.8 so before I rolled it back I thought I would try a few things. One of which was to try things in a different browser.

    I have just switched browsers from Chrome to Safari and that strangely seems to have fixed the issue for me. However it was still not working in Chrome, even after I clearer the cookies.So I wiped ALL the browsing data completely and that has fixed the issue for me on Chrome.

    I still want to do some further testing but perhaps you can try that too.

  • I believe I have managed to get it to almost work but with just the two fields previous mentioned – I still am not sure how to get the third field (“sticky”) into the argument list – any further help is much appreciated.


    $args = array(
    	'paged' => $paged,
    	'post_type' => 'feature',
    	'orderby' => 'published',
    	'order' => 'DESC',
    	'posts_per_page' => 5,
    	'meta_query' => array(
    		   'key' => 'hide_from_archive',
    		   'value' => array('0'),
    		   'compare' => 'IN',
  • Hi magicstick

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    I gave your idea a go but I am not sure how to incorporate the meta_key “start_date” into the equation – could you elaborate. Perhaps I don’t need it as I am not using an ACF start date but the original “published” date.

    I have tried to use the following but with no success (I simplified the fields I am using):

    $args = array(
       'paged' => $paged,
       'post_type' => 'feature',
       'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
       'meta_query' => array(
       'relation' => 'AND',
       array( 'orderby' => array( 'published' => 'DESC' , 'hide_from_archive' !=   '1' ))
    $wp_query = new WP_query();

    Thanks again for your advice.

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