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  • Hi @andremacola

    That’s a good solution too, and probably more efficient than querying with a regex.

    I don’t see REGEXP in the WP codex, but it’s available. Looks like they added it within the past year, so perhaps it hasn’t made the docs yet. I’m running WP 3.9.2.


  • @andremacola

    I achieved this in a meta_query by using REGEXP. I couldn’t find a way to do it with just dates and a range, because like you I wanted it to be year-agnostic.

    The date format by default is stored as YYYYMMDD. The following searches for a string like $$$$MM$$, where MM is your month. In other words, any 4 digits, followed by a specified 2-digit month, followed by any 2 digits.

    $filter_month = '09'; // show september only
    $args = array (
      'post_type'      => 'course',       // your custom post type
      'meta_key'       => 'course_date',  // your custom date field name
      'orderby'        => 'meta_value_num',
      'order'          => 'ASC',
      'meta_query' => array(
          'key'      => 'course_date',
          'compare'  => 'REGEXP',
          'value'    => '[0-9]{4}' . $filter_month . '[0-9]{2}',
    $posts = get_posts($args);

    A little late, but hope this helps.

  • Ah I see. For my image field, I have the Return Value set to Image Object. So I could set it to Image ID if I wanted and not have to tack on [‘id’] per my code above.

  • I had to add [‘id’] to the end of get_field in order to get it to work.

    $profile_pic = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('profile_pic')['id'], 'profile-thumb');
    <img src="<?php echo $profile_pic[0]; ?>" />

    get_field seems to return an array and not the id.

    Thanks for this AMAZING plugin btw!

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