Are there any plans to add support for gutenberg field types?
Now users have to use both editors (tinyMCE and Gutenberg) and cannot use gutenberg features in wysiwg which is quite bad.
Currently WP does not support multiple instances of the block editor. Until that happens it is unlikely that ACF will do this. Once that is possible and documentation is provided to add another instance of the block editor then I’m sure someone will create a field for it.
A rich text field (as seen in the lazy blocks plugin) would be a great addition.
I would love the ability to add such fields instead of the MCE-WYSIWYG field…
It seems like multiple instances are currently supported according to this Github thread, which among it’s examples shows Gutenberg blocks in widgets…
Unfortunately, my lack of familiarity with coding for Gutenberg leaves me unsure what to do with this information.
Is there any news on this?
This would be so awesome.