

Forum Replies Created

  • @paulhuisman how did you solve this?
    please let me know.

  • I managed to make it work through JQuery,
    we need to check if the input field for the element is changed, here is the code if someone needs it:

    // JavaScript Document
    (function($) {
    		alert ('hejsan test ny3');
    		if ( $( "#acf-field_5887df9fb89a9-input" ).length ) {
    			alert('#acf-field_5887df9fb89a9-input exists yeyyy!' );
    		$( "#acf-field_5887df9fb89a9-input" ).change(function(e) {
    			alert( "Handler for .change() called." + e.val );


  • Hi again @james,
    I have read and coded this, it was pretty easy to achieve this after som researching.

    The code is below (for others who gets in same situation as me).

    But I still have a problem, I have 2 object_query relationship fields and I would like the second object query relationship field to be based on the first object query relationship, depending on what is chossen in the select field. How can I retrieve the selected field in the function: report_involved_family_relationship ?

    Thanks for helping me out.

     @ This hook allows you to modify the $args array which is used to query the posts shown in the the relationship field list.
     @ Custom field, get related user to Client relations
    function report_involved_client_relationship( $args, $field, $post_id ) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	//Query to get related client from post_meta
    	$related_clients = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_value AS user_ids 
             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta 
             WHERE post_id = ".get_current_user_id()." AND meta_key = 'p2p_user_to_client_to' LIMIT 1");
    	$related_clients_arr = explode(',', $related_clients[0]->user_ids);
    	$args = array(
    		'post_type' => 'client',
    		'post__in' => $related_clients_arr
    	// return
        return $args;
    // filter for a specific field based on it's name
    add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query/name=report_involved_client', 'report_involved_client_relationship', 10, 3);
     @ This hook allows you to modify the $args array which is used to query the posts shown in the the relationship field list.
     @ Custom field, get related user to family relations
    function report_involved_family_relationship( $args, $field, $post_id ) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	echo '<pre>';
    	echo '</pre>';
    	//Query to get related family from post_meta
    	$related_clients = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_value AS family_ids 
             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta 
             WHERE post_id = ".selected report_involved_client id." AND meta_key = 'p2p_family_to_client_to' LIMIT 1");
    	$related_family_arr = explode(',', $related_clients[0]->user_ids);
    	$args = array(
    		'post_type' => 'family',
    		'post__in' => $related_family_arr
    	// return
        return $args;
    // filter for a specific field based on it's name
    add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query/name=report_involved_family', 'report_involved_family_relationship', 10, 3);
  • Hi @james,
    thank you for oyur reply and helping me out.

    I can some coding but I am not good at WP :/

    I have added this code to the functions.php file:

    function my_relationship_query( $args, $field, $post_id ) {
        // only show children of the current post being edited
        $args['post_parent'] = $post_id;
    	// return
        return $args;
    // filter for a specific field based on it's name
    add_filter('acf/fields/relationship/query/name=report_relations', 'my_relationship_query', 10, 3);

    Now I want the report_relations field to only show the following:

    I have a post meta named “p2p_user_to_client_to”, the post_id in the postmeta table refers to the userID and the meta_value refers to a custom post type named “client”.

    So basically I just want the the following in human language:

    Get all the rows in the table for (Logged in user == postmeta.post_id)
    Get the custom post types WHERE post_type == client and post_type_id == (is whatever meta_value is for the found rows in the postmeta table).

    I dont know really know how to imeplemtn this to the function above since I dont know how WP works.

    If you can help me out I would be very very glad.

    Thanks a lot for your help @James!


  • Thanks @james
    I will give it a try 🙂


  • Ok..solved it..

    Perhaps, you should add an example, it was realy confusing for me.

    This is the solution:

     @ Format Date time picker fields
    function my_acf_input_admin_footer() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	// JS here
    	acf.add_filter('date_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
    		// do something to args
    		args['minDate'] = "-30";	//For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.
    		args['maxDate'] = "30";
    		return args;
    	acf.add_filter('time_picker_args', function( args, $field ){
    	// do something to args
    		args['stepMinute'] = 5;
    	// return
    	return args;
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'my_acf_input_admin_footer');
  • This reply has been marked as private.
  • Hi again @James

    How can I get in touch with you privately?


  • Thanks @James for your reply.

    I have already done that, the problem is that ALL Clients is showing up, but I only want the related Clients to show up.

    When Steve Jobs is logged in and wants to add a new Report, then only the following shoud be visible for him:


    And when Bill Gates is logged in and wants to add a new Report, then only the following shoud be visible for him:

    As it is now, every Client is shown up even though I have relationship between the Clients and the Users.

    Problem is as I can see, when I add a relationship field there is no option to only show relationships for the specific logged in user.
    Or am I doing something wrong?

    Not that I have a bi-directional relationship between the User and Client which works without any problem. I only want the related Clients to show up for the logged in user.

    Thank you very much fpr helping me out of this problem.


  • Hi @James,
    I did this and I hope that they can implement this feature as soon as possible.


  • Hi @James
    I would like it to show up choices, so the User is able to choose a Client and save it to the database.
    I dont know how to use and set the location rules.
    I would be very glad if you/someone could help me to achieve this.


  • John:
    I think that this is an awesome plugin and should definately be added to the core of ACF 5.

    I have suggested this before but nothing happened unfortunately :/

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